Email and Smart phones...

I was sitting here thinking about my other post regarding how slow it is and not many people returning emails. (I received 2 out of 5, 24 hrs later)

Most people in this hobby, ladies and gents, have a hobby/work phone, and for the ladies, I was curious if you have a smart phone linked to your work email? To me, it would make sense, especially if your simply available that given day but not at a computer to check things.

Like I said, thats my thinking from a guys perspective.

So ladies, how many of you actually receive emails on your work phone for a more prompt reply?

Outdoorsman's Avatar
Here is a hobbyists view. Today, I tried to see a provider and she requested that I show up downtown at certain place and time. I complied with her instructions and knowing she had my hobby phone number waited for her call at the appointed time. She did not call, I waited for about 20 minutes past the designated time and went back to my office. When I arrive back at my office I see an email at 2 minutes prior to appointment time asking if I was ready? Well, ladies I do not get email on my phone.

I learned a lesson though, never go to appointment unless I have her number, I requested her number in our correspondence but she would not give it to me. I thanked her for teaching me that lesson.

Now, I ask how slow can it be if the ladies can afford to not respond to emails, not call at designated times. I wonder how slow it really is? This lady must being doing pretty good she apparently did not need my payment.
pornodave69's Avatar
When I arrive back at my office I see an email at 2 minutes prior to appointment time asking if I was ready? Well, ladies I do not get email on my phone.

I learned a lesson though, never go to appointment unless I have her number, I requested her number in our correspondence but she would not give it to me. I thanked her for teaching me that lesson. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
I won't leave the house unless I have her phone number. That's asking for a no show. Communication is key. Not having her number before the session is not an option for me. If she won't give it to me I'll cancel on the spot. It hasn't happened yet, but that's my plan.

Always discuss methods of communication beforehand. As in, it's okay to email a day or two in advance, but it seems more than obvious that the day of, and especially at the scheduled appointment time, a phone call is the ONLY method of contact. Unless the parties have already communicated via text messages, then a text or call will suffice. Many people don't text and don't check text messages if they have to pay by the text (depending on their plans), so don't text unless you've already done so and agreed that you would text the hotel/room number. Voice to voice is always the best option when you're about to meet.

But to get to the point at hand, it would seem that most providers would have a phone to check emails with at least every so often or be notified immediately as they come in. I'm sure some may get bombarded with emails so it could be very inconvenient with 20 or 30 emails or more in a hour or two. I'd have to guess that there are slow days with few, if any, emails and busy days with a hundred or more. So, getting them all day on a phone could be annoying. But, considering how slow things seem to be at the moment, with few new provider ads, few posts and few reviews one would think that a provider might respond to an email in a faster than normal fashion. I've been swamped with work, in and out of town over the past month and with limited time to look at this site it seems I haven't really missed much and very little has been posted. 2 out of 5 responses in 24 hours is pretty bad. It should be 5 out of 5.
juan2fork's Avatar
Please note, the iPhone is easy to hack. Blackberry is difficult to hack. If you have secrets to keep, remember this.