Well today is the start of the NBA playoffs! 40 games in 40 nights! With the Lakers in the hunt to repeat in the Western Conference I want to see Kobe Vs. Lebron in the Finals! Maybe I will get my wish this yr. But 1st the Lakers has to get through the OKC Thunder. Kevin Durrant is a freak of nature and Westbrook is a great complimentary player too. It'll be tough but they will get it done in 5 games. & if the Cavaliers can get past the Magic with Vince Carter & Dwight Howard? This will be a monumental NBA Finals this yr! Just my .02
Omahan's Avatar
Nebraska's spring game (football) is today. I can hardly wait for football season - a major sport.
Hey Taylor, haven't seen you post much lately. Nice to hear from you again!!!

Omahan, yes I NEED football season! I am having withdrawals LOL. Draft starts next week, yippie that's all great and dandy, but what I really need are the GAMES! Ahhhh Football.......I Love You!!!! LOL
Judge Smails's Avatar
taylor, a NBA freak, very hot. Mavs all the way...
Omahan I'm glad to see SuH leave lol I'm sure he will be a dominant force in the NFL (He's a great player) I heard there is
big expectations in Lincoln this yr. good luck Omahan w/ the Cornhuskers. I'm pretty sure they will win the Big 12 this yr.
Thank you BF I was recovering from March Madness lol (that's another story) I'm waiting to see who the Chiefs will draft this yr.! Anybody except a defensive lineman lol, if SuH is available I'm willing to make an exception lol! There's so much talent coming out this yr the 2nd round will be interesting to watch!!! J.S do you think the Mavs. w/ hold up? They been playing well since Caron Butler & Brendan Haywood came over from the Wizards.... I just don't see them getting past the 2nd round and if Tony Parker and Duncan brings their A-game it can go to 7.....
Judge Smails's Avatar
Taylor, the trade really helped the Mavs, but I don't see them getting past the Lakers. I haven't studied the seedings yet, so I don't know if/ when we might hit the Nuggets. I think the trade increased our athleticism which clearly was a problem when Nugget rolled us last year.

You bet I would take Suh, but sadly he will go 2 or 3. I actually am OK with Berry at safety. I know a 5 pick is early for a safety, but we need a playmaker down the middle, think Ed Reed or Troy P. Hopefully we can pick up an O tackle a bit later.

However, the Pioli way is to trade the pick down. We shall see. Love the acq of T Jones, think he has some tread left.
I agree w/ you J.S but in the Western conference it looks like everyone is playing hard to stay as far away from the Lakers as possible. lol The acquiring of T. Jones will release alot of the weight off J. Charles's back
and open up the running game a tad bit. Far as our O- line we need a agile tackle for Cassell's backside,I would like to see a show stopping defensive player on the Chiefs like Berry or SuH! We will have to wait and see what Piolli does.....
arealwingdinger's Avatar
The Huskers winning the Big 12? Or the Big 12 North? The Big 12 North they can do, but the whole thing, no way.
Judge Smails's Avatar

wow, my mavs are sucking and are done. Can't belive the Spurs had the knads to start that hot shooter and sit Parker, but the move is looking good.

How about the Thunder? Any chance or just a wake up call for Lakers?