Anybody Would Want To Get Healthy If She's Involved...

Holy Bananas Batman.....Wow and Love That Accent!!!
kcbigpapa's Avatar
WOW!!! We need to get her to provide.
I'd be happy just to get her to workout or cook naked. That body of hers is freaking in such hot delicious shape!!! Check out her abs when she's doing the workout. If I was a guy I would so jack off to a video like that and blow my wad all over my computer screen LOL, but I'm a lil odd so that should come at no surprise LOL.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
After a night with that, it would leave me a dessicated mummy-like husk of a man.

But what a way to go.
Reminds me of a more sexy Suzanne Sommers
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I'd be happy just to get her to workout or cook naked. Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
I rather she provide.

Reminds me of a more sexy Suzanne Sommers Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Suzanne Sommers never had abs like that. I would love to have a body like hers.......laying on top of me.
I can't decide what I want more:
(1) To Have her body, Damn those abs are DYN-O-MITE lol
(2) Being able to lick and kiss all over her body
Probably #3
(3) BOTH