why can't we debate fin reform not vote but debate

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Why why Why. umm dirty or crew I need something to say here all I can think about is why not just a little debate can't hurt right.
dirty dog's Avatar
Cheaper, what the heck are you talking about.
dirty dog's Avatar
If your suggesting that there has been no debating here then you might want to read the posts again, for every question thats been asked someone has responded with an answer, when its an answer than not liked or that debunks something that has been said the person ignores it and then asks other questions. There is no way to debate someone who's response to everything is that Obama's black and everyone hates him or is not giving him a chance because he's black or who's answer to evrything is Bush did this and Bush did that and we are fighting wars etc etc etc etc. So you tell me how you can debate with that, you know when you debate someone you have to listen to the other side and once in a while they make a point, you can't just dismiss the point because you "know" its something else. I am sick to death hearing the race card played everytime someone says something about the President. For 8 years the liberal attacked Bush and there was not the option of using a race card here. But they act like no president has every been critisized before. If you want cheaper you can PM me and tell me what exactly your wanting to know. Here is an imaginary debate at this time on this board.......

Wow the sun is really bright today......DD

Well Bush ignored climate change for 8 years and now your blaming obama for the bright sunlight.... other guy

Well I thought it was because there was no clouds.....DD

Well if we werent fighting two wars that Bush started and wasting billions of dollars on Defense that Bush and Chaney were stealing, then its possible they may have been clounds but you can't blame Obama for there not being clouds....other guy

Yah but Katie Horner said itwas going to be partly cloudy but its been sunny all day....DD

Thats because she belongs to a racist group of weather baggers and they are only around because a black man was elected president............other guy

See the theme here!!!!
If you're referring to the cloture vote, they had a unanimous one today, after the dems agreed to let the gop participate in the process.
swarmyone's Avatar
Do you mean "debate" like they did with the health care bill? You know, bribery, corruption, and extortion. Yeah...I'm all for a healthy "debate".
dirty dog's Avatar
Crew you talkin to me?????
Talking to Cheaper. I think I de-ciphered that he is asking why the gop was blocking a cloture vote on financial reform.
dirty dog's Avatar
Okay, can you send me a decoder ring LOL.