Bernie Sanders

I'm over the moon that Bernie won in Nevada. I think he may blow it out. Those crazy Democrats just put up the one guy who I wanted to see run against Trump. This is going to be so much fun!
They said the exact same thing about trump before he won . One thing I learned is never say never .
Agent220's Avatar
I'm over the moon that Bernie won in Nevada. I think he may blow it out. Those crazy Democrats just put up the one guy who I wanted to see run against Trump. This is going to be so much fun! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

I'm interested in Bernie since he's my candidate. I don't agree with his economics fully however, social justice in particular criminal justice reform is where I'm highly interested in.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Poor Ellen who lives in a world where reality does not exist.

She thinks that whoever the Democratic candidate is, Trump will win. She is on record as stating that with just about every post she makes. She believes NJ is in play even though polls show all Democratic candidates leading Trump by between 10 and 24 points.

One of the people on Trump's reelection team stated that Trump starts out with about 45% of the voters against him. That is how strong the opposition is to him. The only voting blocs that are solidly for Trump are Evangelical Christians and old, white men with less than a college education.

Yes, Trump is doing well if you look at national approval ratings. He has cut his deficit in half in recent months. However, he is trailing in Michigan and Pennsylvania to both Biden and Sanders and is neck-and-neck in other battleground states such as Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio.

There is a long way to go and a lot can happen before November 3rd. DJIA futures are down close to 700 points today. Many countries such as Germany are heading into recession. Right now Trump is at his zenith. Come November it might be a different story.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...old, white men ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Memory may be fading, but aren't the Demonicrats running four, old, rich, white, men as candidates at this very moment?
Ha! I just see the writing on the wall. It's my natural gift. I just saw a poll where 2/3 of Americans believe that Trump will be re-elcted again. So yeah,basically it's over.

Poor Ellen who lives in a world where reality does not exist.

She thinks that whoever the Democratic candidate is, Trump will win. She is on record as stating that with just about every post she makes. She believes NJ is in play even though polls show all Democratic candidates leading Trump by between 10 and 24 points.

One of the people on Trump's reelection team stated that Trump starts out with about 45% of the voters against him. That is how strong the opposition is to him. The only voting blocs that are solidly for Trump are Evangelical Christians and old, white men with less than a college education.

Yes, Trump is doing well if you look at national approval ratings. He has cut his deficit in half in recent months. However, he is trailing in Michigan and Pennsylvania to both Biden and Sanders and is neck-and-neck in other battleground states such as Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio.

There is a long way to go and a lot can happen before November 3rd. DJIA futures are down close to 700 points today. Many countries such as Germany are heading into recession. Right now Trump is at his zenith. Come November it might be a different story. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
pussycat's Avatar
Poor Ellen who lives in a world where reality does not exist.

She thinks that whoever the Democratic candidate is, Trump will win. She is on record as stating that with just about every post she makes. She believes NJ is in play even though polls show all Democratic candidates leading Trump by between 10 and 24 points.

One of the people on Trump's reelection team stated that Trump starts out with about 45% of the voters against him. That is how strong the opposition is to him. The only voting blocs that are solidly for Trump are Evangelical Christians and old, white men with less than a college education.

Yes, Trump is doing well if you look at national approval ratings. He has cut his deficit in half in recent months. However, he is trailing in Michigan and Pennsylvania to both Biden and Sanders and is neck-and-neck in other battleground states such as Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio.

There is a long way to go and a lot can happen before November 3rd. DJIA futures are down close to 700 points today. Many countries such as Germany are heading into recession. Right now Trump is at his zenith. Come November it might be a different story. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sanders is a complicated politician. His voting record is far from being a socialist. He's a leftist populist who said open borders were a conspiracy of the business class to drive down wages. He voted against all the trade agreements. He voted against the wars. He voted against the Brady background check. He's against neo liberal economics just as Trump is. He's opposed to neocon policies just like Trump. He's pro gun just like Trump, and until he ran for President was always against illegal immigration. He's really in lock step with Trump.

But since he's decided to go for the nomination of the Democrats he's re-cast himself as a socialist, and is leading "a revolution."

This time the neo-liberal/neocons who dominate the government and Wall Street and Silicon Valley will not be able to stop him. Their pitiful effort to run Bloomberg has cratered as his disgusting hatred of women and minorities has come to the fore.

It will be Sanders and against Trump but Trump will edge out a win because independents who don't like Trump will vote for him to keep out the crazy socialist Sanders.

Sanders is not really a crazy socialist if a socialist at all, but he's had to cast himself as that to get this nomination.

He's an intelligent and pragmatic guy.

He's also a millionaire though he'll never admit to it.
Not going to debate or disagree with a lot of what you said because I don't want to bother. You foul your own water, however, when you say he is pro gun. He brags about having the highest score for gun control given by the NRA. By simply saying progun you are obfuscating ( that has nothing to do with sex) the term. I am progun in a way although I don't own one and never have and probably never will but definetly in favor of gun control.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Memory may be fading, but aren't the Demonicrats running four, old, rich, white, men as candidates at this very moment? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Bernie Sanders is a recent millionaire due to proceeds from his book.

And what is wrong with being in the same category as Trump? It takes money to become POTUS. Trump spent an estimated $66 million of his own money in his run for POTUS.

Klobuchar and Warren are also millionaires. Buttigieg is the only Democratic candidate who is NOT a millionaire. I bet if I look back at the 2016 Republican candidates for POTUS, the majority would have been millionaires.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ha! I just see the writing on the wall. It's my natural gift. I just saw a poll where 2/3 of Americans believe that Trump will be re-elcted again. So yeah,basically it's over. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Just like you saw the writing on the wall in 2018 when you predicted Republicans would hold control of the House???

I tend to ignore polls that are not at the state level.

The odds are on Trump's side. If I had to guess right now, I would say he will be reelected, but there is a long way to go until November 3rd. As I said previously, Trump is at his apex
popularity-wise right now. You cite one poll and I cite the ones that have him trailing in Michigan and Pennsylvania and in a tight race in 4 other key battleground states. He is still underwater in popularity at the national level and in the key battleground states. New poll in Virginia has Trump way behind all Democrats.

So do you think he will win more or less electoral votes than in 2016? If more, what additonal states will he win?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He's also a millionaire though he'll never admit to it. Originally Posted by pussycat
In an interview last night on 60 Minutes he admitted to being a millionaire due to proceeds from a book he wrote.

"On April 15th, 2019, Sanders released ten years of tax returns, confirming his status as a millionaire. Sanders attributed this to the success of his book, telling the New York Times, "I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.""
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not going to debate or disagree with a lot of what you said because I don't want to bother. You foul your own water, however, when you say he is pro gun. He brags about having the highest score for gun control given by the NRA. By simply saying progun you are obfuscating ( that has nothing to do with sex) the term. I am progun in a way although I don't own one and never have and probably never will but definetly in favor of gun control. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Did anyone on here say Sanders is pro gun? I am not sure what "pro gun" really means.

Like you, I don't own a gun and also probably never will and I support gun control efforts. I am not pro gun by my definition of the term, but I support the right of others to own guns for their protection.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Trump spent an estimated $66 million of his own money in his run for POTUS... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And therein lies the difference. Comrade Bernie ain't gonna pony up his own $$. What socialists do is spend other peoples $$, until they run out of it, that is.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Bernie Sanders is a recent millionaire due to proceeds from his book... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ima guess his literary agent is Javalin Literary Agency. It's where all the trendies go for book '**cough**pay-off **cough**' deals go these days.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ha! I just see the writing on the wall. It's my natural gift. I just saw a poll where 2/3 of Americans believe that Trump will be re-elcted again. So yeah,basically it's over. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Just for laughs I went back and found a similar poll taken a week or two prior to the 2016 election in which 68% of voters nationwide thought Clinton would win the election.

Almost exactly the same percentage as those in your poll that think Trump will win. And look what happened on election day. Surprise!!