Black Hobbyist

Guest011710's Avatar
You know I have seen a lot of provides not wanting to see AA customers and it really sucks. I am half Black and half Hispanic and some providers won't even look twice at me because of it. I do look like I am in my 20's but I am a professional I have a job I make good money. Now I do understand why some girls don't want the drama with want a be PIMP's and such but I really am just a regular guy. I know that it is hard out there for the girls but I guess it just sucks to be put in that bunch because of bad people. So to all Providers I am sorry for what these guys are doing.

shooter6.5's Avatar
If you're white, you're alright!!!

that is the title of a recently closed thread here in the discussions area. Many comments were made there.

We appreciate your comment but I am not going to keep this thread open as there is just no reason to. This subject matter has been beat to death on numerous boards in the past and it always ends up the same. Go to that thread and read it. There is a thread dealing with basically the same thin in the national section. That thread is still open so feel free to comment.

Have a great week