Disappointed in Tarantino

cookie man's Avatar
I have been anxiously awaiting the new Quenton Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight. Then I see where he flew into New York from California for an anti-police rally and gave a speech calling the officers 'murderers'.

I believe in free speech, but I also believe in my choice to spend my dollar on those artists I wish. As much as I want to see this movie, I won't pay a dime to pad QT's pocket after his disrespect of the NYPD. There were other ways he could have voiced his opinions in a fair manner.


There was another video today showing a police officer having to get physical with a young student just because she didn't do what he asked and started hitting him.. Of course there's always going to be a cell phone camera nearby.


The police have a difficult job. It's getting more difficult everyday with this anti-police sentiment.