Alison Leanne ...sure didnt live up to the hype !!!! NCNS!!!

Had a noon apt. With miss Alison ...confirmed through eccie PM's .... and well the day of she just wouldn't communicate !!!
11:12 am texted that I needed general location answer
11:59 am texted ....asked if I should make other plans answer
12:39 pm texted my opinion to her that she has wasted 3 hours of my time .....due to drive time !!! Must say total bull shit ...I understand shit happens ...but there is really no excuse for her lack of communication !!!!it really bothers me that some one that is charging $300.00 bucks per hour ...has no respect for my time !!! I get very little time off work ...and I must say wasting most of a very rare day off!!!! Is very infuryatiny !!!
Have a wonderful day everyone !!! And remember JOY I in the doing ....not the sitting in a parking lot waiting on a provider that doesn't have her shit together .....hahaha !!!
Awww the life of a hobbyist there are highs and lows .....I'm at a low point ....well until the next orgasim anyway's !!!!
She was dealing with the wife of a customer.her client was sloppy and left his phone on. The lady brought her 6 year old kid with her.I was called over there to make sure it didn't escalate. And had to call the police to escort her home.
*reminder to all hobbyist:delete any incriminating evidence or Put your phone's on lock.
We don't have time to deal with any nagging wife or girlfriend. From now on Alison will correspond through email only. And don't forget to delete that too!
diamondking9's Avatar
I had a noon appointment with her back on 1/27. Set up a few days beforehand, confirmed the day before, then no communication whatsoever on the day of. She did text the following day stating that she had to cancel due to "being a female". The excuse is understandable, and really irrelevant, as long as it is given before the scheduled appointment time, not the day after. Some TCB, some don't, some don't care.
Alison, did contact me 1 1/2 hours after our scheduled apointment ....we had a 25 min conversation ...she seems like a very nice young lady ...very sorry I didn't get to meet her !!! She explained to me in detail of her misfortune with a hobbyist wife and the kid!! (bummer) ....sorry you had to deal with that young lady !!!
He should run a tighter ship !!!! And Alison please remember his problems are not your problems !!!! Move on just like I will !!!! She seems like a fine young lady boys !!! I would still see her if I had the time !! A simple text would have kept this post from happening !!! But hell like I said in my 1st comment "SHIT HAPPENS "
And to SKY we (as in seasoned hobbyists ) don't have time for this shit either !!!! A scheduled appointment is just that !!!! Communication is key !!!!
Happy hunting !!!!
Phrasing's Avatar
Bummer indeed.
Owww PHRASING you always know how to make me feel better ..hahaha is what it is sir ....some times you just have to take your lumps hahaha ....may tomorrow be a better day !!
scsholar's Avatar
Best policy is to get out of the hobby once you are locked down.
I agree !!! They just don't make chains strong enough for me !! Hahaha
txoilngas's Avatar
If you haven't had a no show yet you haven't been in the hobby long enough. Just be thankful that you didn't meet someone that is nothing like her pics, up sales you, rushes you out the door before your time is up, has a pimp in the closet or smells like rotten sardines!
Not wanting to be a White Knight, but I (and all her reviewers) have had wonderful experiences with her. Sweet, ever so eager to please, beautiful and not a clock watcher. She is 21 for goodness sake and some crazy lady freaked her out.
I don't blame you for being pissed and bummed but geez...waaa waaaa waaa. Always have a plan B in case plan A falls through.
I wish you better luck next time dude.
john_deere's Avatar
no, shit does not happen.

EXCUSES happen.

bottom line....if you can't get your shit together enough for simple communications, get the fuck out of this game. being 21 is irrelevant. don't turn your problems into someone else's problem.
tx hobbyist's Avatar
I agree JD... shit does not just happen!! Real life situations, however do happen from time to time and when they do it's simply time for business 101... a call or text is not only respectful but also imperative to maintain a good reputation! The only true excuse for not making an effort to communicate with someone after a scheduled appointment is made is one of three possibilities: 1. That person is severely ill/injured and in the hospital or on the way there, 2. That person is in jail, 3. That person is in the morgue... at least IMO! That goes for both providers and clients alike... it takes merely 30 seconds of a person's time to make a call or text or send an email ( which ever means have been used to that point) to explain that something has occurred and that that person is not able to keep their obligation... and of course as a token of respect that person would offer something to compensate for the misfortune.. ie from a providers standpoint extra time or a discount for the rescheduled appointment.. and from the clients standpoint a cancellation fee should be offered!! In a perfect world these standards would apply but in the real world... well I guess shit does happen! LOL seriously its pretty simple... COMMUNICATION is the key! Hobby on!!
busternutzs's Avatar
I am curious how the the wife of the john got location for the call. Was it volunteered or did she use GPS to track the location of her husband`s phone?
to TXiolngas
i have had no shows, pimp problems (never in a closet...would love to read that review) ,faulse pics , bait and switch ...welll pretty much your entire list , and god forbid the dreaded STANKFISH!!! a shit load of other bullshit....
to be blunt , i failed to report these experiences and only posted on my positive experiences ....well some one on this board that i respect and very much value his opinion ....because of his research,helpfulness,knowledge and yes posting of negative experiences . has helped alot of hobbyists make informed dissensions on weather or not to see a girl. thus improving there time BCD and there BANG for there buck....with there hard earned money. I will no longer sweep my bad experiences UNDER THE RUG !!! i will post the good, the bad ,and the ugly!!! by not posting the negatives ...we are all doing our selves a grave disservice...they must accompany the positives for all of us as a community hobbyists & providers to reap the true benefits of this board !!!
the polite kick in the rear that i received opened my eye alittle and i thank him for that ...i believe it will make me a better hobbyist ....hopefully this will do the same for Alison...i have read many of her reviews and obviously that is what made me want to book with her .....your words " Sweet, ever so eager to please, beautiful and not a clock watcher" none of these details matter at all if she doesn't even show up for the session!!!! or even take the 20 seconds needed to shoot me a text that she would not be able to make our engagement!! i would have most defiantly communicated to her if i would not been able to honor my obligation to meet @ noon, out of respect!!!!! its just common curtsy!
on top of that i know many very top shelf providers that run there business with the fine precision of a clock ....on time , respectful of my time , that provide an amazing service !!!! i applauded them ..this is a tuff business!! but due to my experiences i know it can be done because i have witnessed it with many wonderful providers ...that truly are worth there weight in god (ladies please dont take that as a opportunity to up your price HAHAHA ....but if you do im grandfathered in
also SIR when it comes to the white knighting >>>>>good for you ..enjoy yourself galloping around on your big white horse ...i hope you are wearing a cape aswell you have something to wipe the SHIT off your nose with , when your done
hobby on my friends , may all your orgasms be explosive ,and your cocks stiffer than your drinks
happyhunting !!!!!! ( * )( * )
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( V )
Phrasing's Avatar

But seriously though, I have been fortunate not to deal with what HH has dealt with for the most part. I have been stood up by a visiting provider (no time wasted or anything) but I'm sure like any "good" hobbiest, my time is coming.
txoilngas's Avatar
Well you are a sneaky lil shit aren't you. Bye