devanmax07's Avatar
Soooooo I was purging my gmail inbox and stumbled upon a tab that says "Call Logs". Apparently Google stores everything that goes on from your very first call and text message to your last one, this is only if you are using google voice. For those of us that like to remain anonymous I suggest a particular app found in the android store called Burner. With this app you are able to create a number, use it for a week, 30 days, or unlimited period of time. What I like about it is that if I only want it for one date I can burn it immediately afterwards. I suggest looking into it because Google is not one for keeping your dirty secrets a secret. There are Dozens of apps that have these same features therefore me saying the name would not stop the Hobby Show.
Did you find the tab in Gmail or did you mean in Gvoice ? All you have to do is just delete the calls and text whenever you want to . A little maintenance for a great free service . I love google voice . Just like ur phone you gotta clean calls and texts history . It's there for you , not for google . I was going to try burner a while back then discovered you have to pay for the burned numbers which is another paper trail , CC use etc . To each his own hehe .
Dorian Gray's Avatar
.... or you could have your Google Voice number attached to your hobby e-mail, which you don't have set to automatic login, which you only use when private browsing
Precious_b's Avatar
ANYBODY that uses ANY Google product should expect an electronic trail of their activities.
You should expect that from a company whose claim to fame is a Search Engine.

Something that you should also be aware of is the other products being sold that Google has input on. Example, the Nest thermostat. It is a learning thermostat that is predictative. With that internet connection i'd lay odds that they are transmitting your the data it picks up from your comfort settings to sell stuff.

I don't know if the Privacy Act of 1974 has been amended for all the wireless stuff that occurs today.
How do you make calls from google voice?
T Y P E Google Voice in your browser to get started .
Check out the app 'Burner' in the android store.