Some of the gals are curius to know if they are missing out on money

Whispers's Avatar
My opinion is that a lot of guys are still partaking....

but not quite as frequently

and at times at a lower price level.....

less than $1200.00, back in the day I would spend that per week..on good months...
atxbrad's Avatar
Unfortunatly Im in the less than $500 group, but hopefully not for long.............gettin' my mojo back
$900 for me, November & December are my slowest months. $6600 for 2009, yes I know exactly, somewhat sadly. Now if I could collect the $20K that's owed to me still from last year things would really be good.
ewm76903's Avatar
Dry spell out here in Angelo. And, don't forget that the last 3 months were holidays.
Elephant's Avatar
$1480 = Last 90 Days
nuglet's Avatar
Well thanks to the stock mkt, I'm pretty flush right now, and have really enjoyed the last few months
I'm in the $500-$1500 bracket. The number that would scare the jizz outta me would be the TOTAL that I've spent in the hobby. That's another thread ......and I'm not sure I really wanna know but I'm guessin I could be driving a new M6 Beamer with the $ I've spent.......and that's even including me being a cheap bastard, one half hour session at a time.
Interesting poll, wonder how the totals stack-up against number of different ladies seen?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-14-2010, 05:38 PM
Maybe there should be an option listed on how much was spent on gifts, tips, or romantic accoutrements? You know, over and above the donations. For that small but active $3,500 and above market segment/loverboys the girls are drooling over.
The fundamental flaw with this poll as I see it is if the hobbiest spent $1000 but it was one the same lady once a month for three months, is any other lady missing out on anything? Or, for the guys that responded that they spend $3500 or more, how is that money really split out? If you are one of those with a $2k Mistress on the side, did you really spend $3500 on hobbying or $2k on the Mistress and $1500 on other ladies. There is no way to determine how much other ladies are missing out on unless you further break it down...$1500 for 3 months, one new lady per month and one *regular* lady per month... Based on this poll, how would any lady really gain a grasp on the market share she is really has available to her? And market share is what I understand this thread is about....
dookiexp's Avatar
i spent 850 (4 ladies)
Holeshot's Avatar
I spent over 5k. About 4k was on one lady. Spent another $1100 on 3 more ladies.
NipLover's Avatar
Jeebus, I need a new job!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Whispers, mine's kinda difficult to say, given the circs.

So I'll throw it out there, and we'll see if it counts.

I know a lot of civvies that have recently been laid off/underemployed. So...dinner out and a MooVee / concert / trip to the Hill Country for the day on my gas / whatever has been what I've spent, and I've gotten what I wanted carnally in return.

So...I'll say in the past 3 months, less than 500(one reason is I'm also a damn good chef and have had ladies over for dinner. That saves a LOT of cash).

Now, if we're talking calling up a provider and exchanging money for services - zip. Nada. Nothing spend.

Haven't had to, so didn't.

But, as stated above - I have spent money on ladies in the past few months and gotten what I wanted in return, so I feel that counts. I don't consider these "dates" as I'm not romantically involved with any of these women, and don't plan on being.

I bring this up because frankly, I think we'll be seeing more and more of this. I have a young lady friend (that I am NOT involved with in any physical or romantically emotional way, just to be clear) that has been unemployed for over 9 months. She just got a 6 week Holiday gig at some retail shop. It's about to go away. The men she dates look after her, and she looks after them. Nothing businesslike as in a provider/client relationship, but there is an understanding as far as who's going to pick up the tab for breakfast/lunch/dinner, the shopping for clothes and shoes, and so on(her parents are currently floating her rent money). This seems to be the way things are going, or at least that's what I'm seeing in the twentysomething to thirtysomething crowd of ladies these days here in A-Town.

Perhaps some of us aren't spending much on The Hobby because we don't NEED to.

A trend perhaps? We'll see...

[I love to watch economic shifts in The Hobby. I feel it's one of the purer forms of Capitalism, and it's fascinating to study as it is also an indicator for other economic changes.]