they make you feel..??

Kelly TNT's Avatar
In a relationship, it's important that you make your partner feel loved, appreciated, and respected.

So, what if anything do you get from seeing a provider?

Do you get something from a provider other than sex? I'm not saying love, but...the feeling of being appreciated, and or respected? Has a provider ever made you feel loved??

I'll make you feel loved. Come here.

~Kelly TNT
And that comfort of escaping and sharing with someone sexy and sensous......and playful too....sigh
hwygnome's Avatar
Here I am.

"the feeling of being appreciated" On the rare occasion. Otherwise I mostly wonder if I am being played.

Has a provider ever made you feel loved??
Only in a fleeting moment and then reality intrudes when I wake up
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I was feeling your post. I actually drifted a little...with the whole sigh part at the end. Really.. I actually did. I know that feeling.


Okay, yall go ahead.

~Kelly TNT
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-28-2010, 10:09 PM
Great question. Love? No. Respect? No. Appreciated? No.

I see sessions as windows of time with another person who provides me a glimpse of their life experiences. To learn from someone. I understand that they are only going to share what they choose to with me but I do the same thing. But to just learn something about that person and "connect" for a short period of time. Wow. And afterwards, our paths diverge again towards different seas and ultimately, different ports of call; We may never see each other again... or will we?

I might be a bit different than other hobbyists and I am OK with that.
  • PT4ME
  • 06-28-2010, 10:16 PM
I agree with CDL1 as far as the sessions go, but I have had one "lady behind the mask" become a good friend and she has shown me tons of respect and appreciation, and tells me all the time she has "nuffin but wubbb" for me.

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Okay, I love you guys! Group hug!

I'm feeling all "hubba hubbaa" tonight.

I better go to bed...before I say something even more awesome than "hubba hubba".

You guys are great...I love these answers.

Thank you...
Good Night.

~Kelly TNT
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Kelly, I've felt spoiled and appreciated by every ASPD and ECCIE provider I've met with.

Not so for the days before I discovered this place.

Thanks for asking.

Saturn's Avatar
Hobby is a distraction from everyday life. I can't say I feel much for many of the providers I see - its mostly a transaction. However, there are a few bright stars - and Kelly you are one of them!
So feel this thread... I am very lucky to know a few ladies behind the mask... And they do make me feel loved and appreciated...

I hope I do too, least least fleetingly...


Love to you and your Business....


This is one of the better questions I have seen posed here.

(With me) It varies, however you will never know if I (we) am not totally up front and detail my desires prior to the visit or immediately upon crossing the threshold you are left in a lyrch as to why is he really here. The term "Provider" I have come to appreciate as it encompases a multitude if roles. The "Provider" provides an escape mechanism in a mutually acceptable sexual enviorment that puts one in the in the stratosphere before returning to the reality that brought them there.

Therefore, I conclude that every successful provider, as yourself, has the skills as a Yoda.
Hercules's Avatar
I like it when they make me feel their ass.
There are two ladies that make me feel warm and very much appreciated. I hope I remain their trusted and good friend until I retire from this long time fantasy.
dodger's Avatar
I have had some experiences which were simply playful romps, nothing more. But I have also had some which made me feel loved. Certainly one did. I drove off to work thinking we really, really connected. I hadn't felt (perhaps hadn't allowed myself to feel) such joy and affection, deep affection, in awhile.

I have sometimes looked back at that ride to work and recalled thinking, "I think she would run away with me .... an hour at a time".

Now ... isn't that at least part of what I was paying for? Time with a lady who can make me feel that way? I mean, to me .. that's what GFE means .. not a collection of services but that special connection. (That's one of the reasons time with one lady is more than another. Could be physical appearance. Could be services. But could also be the intangibles, attitudes. How the client feels. I read reviews looking for providers who focus on the intangibles)

I've had two experiences like that and I'm sure there are other ladies who can provide the same experience for me. I consider you (Kelly TNT) to be in that select number.

I don't expect that experience from a young or new provider, though (based on reviews) some seem to be able to provide that ... but the more mature, "upscale" ladies ... that's pretty much where I would expect to feel affection, respect, and appreciation.

Is it real? Well ... if I feel that way ... it's real ... to me. And that's enough.

Ahhh Kelly..... I have only been with one provider. it didnt turn out as i expected, though no fault of her's. I was and am looking for the experience that makes me float away, I am looking for the deeper playfull connection that makes me feel like i was wanted. Thats what I am looking for.