Mental Reviews?

While I understand the general purpose of a review. I was wondering what thoughts of some of ya all about having some sort of scale added about mental status of the provider/hobbist seen? We all rate looks 1-10, cleanliness, smoker etc. Perhaps some examples of a scale below could get a discussion started.

1. I think I'll become celebate after this adventure.

2. Obviously many stray bricks missing upstairs.

3. Comatose.

4. Personality of Ty Cobb.

5. Ho hum.

6. Hey I almost can stand you.

7. I think I'll keep you in mind as repeatable customer/provider.

8. I can actually carry on a conversation with you.

9. Hold on this is gonna be fun.

10. Rock On!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
I think that might be the best idea I've heard at least all day. It'd have to be in the BCD comments so the guy would feel safe posting without cat nails in his back. You know we're all crazy right.
sky_wire's Avatar
I suggest bat shit crazy for number 1.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
0 - Money hoarding, clock watching, all business bitch
-10 I've been scrubbing with a rock for two days and still don't feel clean
TinMan's Avatar
I like my providers slightly unhinged, but not quite bat-shit crazy.

Where does that fit on your scale?
pmdelites's Avatar
better to let sleeping dogs lay sleeping!!!
I like my boys bad, good just isnt enough for me.
I like my providers slightly unhinged, but not quite bat-shit crazy.

Where does that fit on your scale? Originally Posted by TinMan

I'd have to say a #7 on that one