getting old sucks! getting bi-lateral hip replacemen & scared out of my mind

iLuvRon-Burgundy's Avatar
Greetings and thank you for your responses... I do have an update of sorts.

1) I traveled to Waco with documents and photos which they have since uploaded into my file.
2) The VA finally had an evaluation... with records my hips are going to be a service connected injury
3) VA is planning on doing surgery for me within a year for my other hip
4) I’m just waiting... I have not been able to work since April and I was just released to work. So looking for a job now. Previous employer just having issues because of medical leave required...
5) I’m in waiting game... told I will receive an answer by April next year however I’m sure it will be sooner.

Thank you all for your input. I have talked with some of you off line. Any and all support is and has been appreciated!
iLuvRon-Burgundy's Avatar
Thank you
Whisky_1's Avatar
I second the recommendation to have one hip replacement surgery done at a time. A service connected veteran should receive 12 months of temporary 100 percent VA disability per joint replacement surgery then 30 percent per joint with a bilateral factor figured in for a total overall permanent VA disability rating of 50 to 60 percent. You may also qualify for SSDI and Medicare as a separate issue. SSDI may be backdated to the date you were unable to work. VA VR&E services are available for veterans with a VA disability rating of at least 10% with a serious employment handicap and 20% with any employment handicap if you need retraining or help finding suitable employment for whatever reason. It is possible to receive a stipend while training to achieve employment rehabilitation.

Veteran Army Paratrooper and Soldier for Life