Trump 44%. Aunt Hillary 43%

flinde's Avatar
I bet that Ag commissioner meant to say aunt. Never gonna be able to look at a gas pump again without laughing.

I got here in 1981, and things were kinda mellow. When did all these foul mouth republicans take over the state?
Ya 'all want some fun go to you tube & put in "alexander emerick jones voting rigged"

AND you tube " alexander emerick jones Networks Caught Preparing Hillary Victory Announcements"

There is a lot of stuff.. SCARY -- And NO I don't believe everything I see on the web.... Especially after seeing "Full GFE"....LOL
The polls can't capture the dead people voting.
Apparently the dead voters stayed home last night ..... she lost multiple states by razor-thin margins .....
flinde's Avatar
Well fuck me I'm gonna be down about $90k this morning. Too hard and expensive to do anything about it now. Hope things bounce back quick and it's not a repeat of 09.

Fucking republicans always cost me a lot of money.
+1 on that stock market crap.

Now I want to see how CNN is going to wipe the egg ( Shit) off their faces with their "polls" having Clinton win!!!!
blaktygre's Avatar
all over but the crying....
Rakhir's Avatar
Good time to make some choice stock purchases this morning. I've already had my eye on a few bargains.
not as bad as it could have been
The futures market was all bullshit. Those traders trade on fear and fear alone.
The market loves the fact that one of their own is in the WH. Market up currently 192.
As Mr. Buffet said after the last market crash - they just put everything up for sale at a discount.
So if you think the market is going to tank then short it. then after it does by the index's and ride it back up!!! Just means more dough to use to plough!!!
I'm really enjoying seasoning my meals with the salty tears of special snowflakes...
toutiorix's Avatar
Looks like the stocks have rebounded nicely.
TxTo's Avatar
  • TxTo
  • 11-29-2016, 02:14 AM
Looks like the stocks have rebounded nicely. Originally Posted by toutiorix
That'll be of little comfort when the racist orange haired idiot takes us to war over a Twitter insult.