oooppppsss, the bitch can't get out of her own way

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Rough day on Fox for the commiefornia cunt.

While people are starving and amassing huge credit card bills at 30%, harris seems to think how nice her neighbors lawns are. Nice leadership and answering questions about how to handle run a way inflation and our being invaded by around 12 million people.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Haha, by the subject title, I just assumed this thread was about Trump.

In all seriousness, I am sick of hearing about her humble upbringing and all of that other blah blah bullshit. Soon, she better start laying out a detailed plan. It is okay with a never Trump person like me with her repetitive stories, but to most, she better add some actual substance and cut out the old and tiresome fluff stories.

It is easy to understand why she does not do many interviews because she kind of sucks at them.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I don’t care what her policies are. They can’t possibly be worse than Trump and Project 2025.

P.S. Trump the felon is a little bitch.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don’t care what her policies are. They can’t possibly be worse than Trump and Project 2025.

P.S. Trump the felon is a little bitch. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

really? so "IF" this nag cunt wins and she tries to go full on "Bernie Bro" socialist (which she is) will you be happy with that?

a large part of the reason Biden's approval is so low is that the DemonRats intentionally hid their far left agenda to flood millions into the nation well over half simply do not meet asylum requirements.

the DemonRats betrayed their base .. moderate democrats and they aren't happy about it. now they are trying to do the same thing with Harris. it's failing and they know it.
txdot-guy's Avatar
really? so "IF" this nag cunt wins and she tries to go full on "Bernie Bro" socialist (which she is) will you be happy with that?

a large part of the reason Biden's approval is so low is that the DemonRats intentionally hid their far left agenda to flood millions into the nation well over half simply do not meet asylum requirements.

the DemonRats betrayed their base .. moderate democrats and they aren't happy about it. now they are trying to do the same thing with Harris. it's failing and they know it. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I would be happier with a more socialist system of governance than a capitalist dismantling of the administrative state. Donald Trump and his Project 2025 would be a disaster for the country and is easily accomplished with out the accountability of congress. All it would take is the agreement of the court which apparently has already been compromised by the Heritage Foundation.

Whereas the expansion of the socialist system you are so afraid of requires both the agreement of congress and the courts.

When it comes right down to it Trump and the people who will use his administration to further their own agendas are much more dangerous to the people than Harris is.
I would be happier with a more socialist system of governance than a capitalist dismantling of the administrative state. Donald Trump and his Project 2025 would be a disaster for the country and is easily accomplished with out the accountability of congress. All it would take is the agreement of the court which apparently has already been compromised by the Heritage Foundation.

Whereas the expansion of the socialist system you are so afraid of requires both the agreement of congress and the courts.

When it comes right down to it Trump and the people who will use his administration to further their own agendas are much more dangerous to the people than Harris is. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
... Seeing as Trump has stated He's NOT a fan of that
Project 2025 - yer just pissing in the wind here.

And the thread here surely concerns Kamala Harris - not Trump.
Kamala - who will continue to RUIN the country with her
New "Capital Gains" plan - taxing unrealised gains.

What a bleedin' disaster this woman is - and it's showing
in the Polls!

#### Salty
biomed1's Avatar
To Return to the Original Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I would be happier with a more socialist system of governance than a capitalist dismantling of the administrative state. Donald Trump and his Project 2025 would be a disaster for the country and is easily accomplished with out the accountability of congress. All it would take is the agreement of the court which apparently has already been compromised by the Heritage Foundation.

Whereas the expansion of the socialist system you are so afraid of requires both the agreement of congress and the courts.

When it comes right down to it Trump and the people who will use his administration to further their own agendas are much more dangerous to the people than Harris is. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

i appreciate your acknowledgement of your preference for socialist policy. you and Bernie are honest about that at least.

socialist policy will ruin America. we'll be "Venezuela on steroids" just like Trump said. it's failed everywhere it's been tried.

and there is no direct link to Trump and Project 2025. does it matter that former staffers are part of this think tank? no because former staffers of Democratic presidents are behind many liberal/socialist think tanks too.
biomed1's Avatar
Another Thread Lost to Thread Hijacking . . .

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