So the bitch and her minions who need the Teamster vote

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Well, not this year. Trump didn't get the endorsement of the teamsters either, but I will guarantee you most will vote for him. It helps that the head of the teamsters was at the RNC. The teamsters have their wives complaining about the high cost of groceries while their kids need money for just normal thing that kids need, stuff like doctors, dentists, a new ball glove, or a new tampon box for E8 Walz fans.

Take your choice......
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the teamsters gave KammyTits s tittytwister


The Teamsters Just Delivered a Body Blow to Kamala

... Oh, here it is! ... Yep, the Teamster's heads surely wanted
to endorse the shitty Democrat candidate - as they usually do.

But seeing-as Trump got near SIXTY (60%) PERCENT of the vote
from the members - they had to scuttle that plan...

... "Teamsters For Trump!" ...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Well here is something that Dear_John posted that I can’t argue with. Except for the bitch comment.