Ask a former "Pimp" anything

nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-04-2011, 11:01 PM
Only classy/relative/sentenced questions please
A little about me:
college educated(respiratory therapist)
retired military
legitimate business man

NOT your average modern "pimp", so basically not a young wanna be gangsta with a bunch of homeboys robbing you
LazurusLong's Avatar
1. What was your age difference compared to the providers?

2. Were the girls you pimped the same race as you?

3. Just how much of their hard earned money did they leave with once you parted ways?

4. Care to name any of your former stable?
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-04-2011, 11:49 PM
1. What was your age difference compared to the providers? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
3-5yrs differnce and im 27

2. Were the girls you pimped the same race as you?

3. Just how much of their hard earned money did they leave with once you parted ways?
never actually considered myself a "pimp" and i know that most take all the money. So to disassociate myself from that label i had a system of anything under 500 for the day was split in half. 500+ I get 350.

4. Care to name any of your former stable?
no. dont wanna tarnish reps and lol@stable
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 08-05-2011, 01:10 AM
1. Why did your gals leave you?
2. Did you dine at your all you can eat buffet?
How did this affect your self-esteem?
What did you do on daily basis? (Routinely)
Did you flaunt it or keep it on the DL?
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 01:26 AM
1. Why did your gals leave you? Originally Posted by aka
actually wanted to be closer to my family plus i started a legit business with the money
2. Did you dine at your all you can eat buffet?
only on good days

How did this affect your self-esteem? Originally Posted by Shayla
just opened my eyes to how twisted the world of male/female relationships can be
What did you do on daily basis? (Routinely)
typical day would be: wake up, pay for room, post ad, monitor calls, provide security, wash rinse repeat
Did you flaunt it or keep it on the DL?
never considered myself a "pimp" because it wasnt a lifestyle for me. i just used it to jumpstart my legitimate business
How did you get the girls to 'work' for you?
Ever had any concern with the risk associated? (LE, etc.)
How long did you do it for?
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 01:41 AM
How did you get the girls to 'work' for you? Originally Posted by Shayla
the first one i met in my neighborhood, i approached her like any guy would approach a female he's interested in and found out real quick what she did and the rest is history. After that the other girls were a little hard to convince because they too were already in the biz but once they see I'm not like the others we team up.
Ever had any concern with the risk associated? (LE, etc.)
im always smart and methodical about what i do so no.
How long did you do it for?
a little over a year
cookie man's Avatar
Were you abusive or possessive of your ladies?

Were you monitoring the sessions personally?

Did you ever get physical with one of the clients?

I'm guessing you didn't brand your ladies, but why do some pimps do it? Ownership?To me it seems sick, degrading, and a carryover from slavery.

Did you have a certain management style?

Why do you think most pimps are black?

What advice would you give to young ladies who do have a pimp?

Thanks for your honesty, and I hope you are the real deal.
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 02:31 AM
Were you abusive or possessive of your ladies? Originally Posted by cookie man
nope never had to be. I truly believe in not chasing women.(of course in situation where we've never met, i make the first move). and as for possessive, if i couldnt trust them then they could go or prove to me that i can
Were you monitoring the sessions personally?
i'd be somewhere close but never in the same room, maybe next door or in my truck
Did you ever get physical with one of the clients?
nope never had to
I'm guessing you didn't brand your ladies, but why do some pimps do it? Ownership?To me it seems sick, degrading, and a carryover from slavery.
not sure, i tried not to blend into "modern pimping"
Did you have a certain management style?
not sure what exactly you mean but Im a laid back, let you THINK you gonna screw me over kinda guy. I always stressed to my ladies to be classy, professional and smart.< it can be alot harder than you think
Why do you think most pimps are black?
to avoid being political I'll just say SWAG
What advice would you give to young ladies who do have a pimp?
ask yourself what you want out of it and if you have an answer but you're not getting it, maybe you should move on.
Thanks for your honesty, and I hope you are the real deal?
obviously not a real deal "pimp" but a hustler for the money, y YES
Wheretonow's Avatar
Only classy/relative/sentenced questions please
A little about me:
college educated(respiratory therapist)
retired military
legitimate business man

NOT your average modern "pimp", so basically not a young wanna be gangsta with a bunch of homeboys robbing you Originally Posted by nzone
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
1. What was your age difference compared to the providers?

3-5yrs differnce and im 27


I'm curious about how you stuffed all of that into 27 years? To retire from the military normally takes 20+ years, 4 (or more) years of college, a year of pimping, generating a family, starting your own business, etc.

I'm not saying you're lying, but I am saying I'd need a lot more info before I didn't think you're lying...
nzone's Avatar
  • nzone
  • 08-05-2011, 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
1. What was your age difference compared to the providers?

3-5yrs differnce and im 27


I'm curious about how you stuffed all of that into 27 years? To retire from the military normally takes 20+ years, 4 (or more) years of college, a year of pimping, generating a family, starting your own business, etc.

I'm not saying you're lying, but I am saying I'd need a lot more info before I didn't think you're lying... Originally Posted by Wheretonow
Even looking at it from viewers perspective, not sure how it's impossible. military 4yrs, school 2yrs, son at 22, pimping 1yr, and just now starting my own business.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Even looking at it from viewers perspective, not sure how it's impossible. military 4yrs, school 2yrs, son at 22, pimping 1yr, and just now starting my own business. Originally Posted by nzone
You claim to be RETIRED from the military - that takes 20+ years. Did you join when you were 7?
Hobbyfun's Avatar
You say your a family man, if you had a girl and found out she was a provider would you be upse?
What if she had a pimp would you go whip his ass and try to get the rest of his girls to leave him?
PODarkness's Avatar
What did you learn from your year, that you never would have guessed when you started?

You only stuck with it a year, so it probably wasn't all wine and roses. What was the part of the job you never looked forward to?

What problem / issue / threat kept you up at night?

What is the difference between a manager and a pimp?

This is actually entertaining. Do you do children's parties?