should I keep my mouth shut or should I say something?

So I was looking at some of the review on here the other day and discovered that my one of my good friends fiancee is a provider. They are getting married next year. I honestly don't think that he knows anything?? If he knew, and continued to go out with her, then I would be totally fine with it. But i honestly don't think he has a clue. I dont know what to do. Any advice? should I just keep my mouth closed? Thats what I was planning on doing but I dont want my buddy to get hurt.
Almost always the answer to your question is STFU. Not your business. No win for you. If he does know do you really think he wants his friends knowing as well? If he does not know, don't think he is going to thank you for telling him.
Suckerberg's Avatar
That's a tough one. I am very selective with friends, so if it was somebody I had the privilege of calling a friend I would tell them or would want them to tell me. Maybe send an anonymous email.

Acquaintances, fuck 'em. Might even visit her.
Yeah, I would go with anonymous email. If not STFU. No win situation directly telling him. Easy to create a email and delete the account immediately.
Just stay out of it. Maybe she is retiring. You just don't know what all the facts are and should mind your own business. Don't even think of talking to her either. If you say anything, anonymous or not, you stand a good chance of running at least three lives if not more.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I say set up a session with her and give her menu the full run through.

Awe fuck, I'm just joking.
I say set up a session with her and give her menu the full run through.

Awe fuck, I'm just joking. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
That's what i was gonna say. Haahahhaaaaa
B.Wayne's Avatar
There was a time when I would say that you should tell him if he is your friend. Hand down, no question. But I had this conversation with a co worker once about cheating spouses, this isn't the same but it shares similarities. and he gave me something to think about. His advice was to stay out of it and let it come out on it's own. I brought up the fact that you could save someone a lot of wasted years. He said, that you could lose a friend out of it. He could think that you want to have her to yourself and are actually in love with her. When someone is in love sometimes they don't think straight and then he could be miserable after having his heart ripped out if he doesn't know what is going on and blame you.

If it were me, I would want to know. But, I understand not wanting to leave a buddy in a bad spot, so maybe send an email. But don't ever tell him you are in the 'hobby' or he will almost automatically think you and her had a session then your friendship would be over for sure. If you guys are really close and he has been there for you when you needed him, you kind of owe it to him. There are a lot of fake people out there and your real friends are with you from fiancé number 1 all the way to fiancé 20 if need be. don't take real friendship for granted. That's all im saying.

Not trying to judge the girl but who's to say she stops providing after she gets married? If he knows about it and is cool with it that's one thing but unfortunately there is only one way to find out. I would definitely hate to be in your shoes.
B.Wayne's Avatar
hahaha that's fucking hilarious though.

I say set up a session with her and give her menu the full run through.

Awe fuck, I'm just joking. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
fletch's Avatar
maybe he is her pimp?...ijs
daty/o's Avatar
What would you expect him to do in your place? What would you want?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That's what i was gonna say. Haahahhaaaaa Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
What's that old saying.......

It's either "great minds think alike" or it's "all you fucking assholes are all the same" Lol, I can't remember right now. Hahaha
theboss21422's Avatar
If it was me I would appreciate a friend telling me something that was kept from me, watching someone fall isn't a true friend, so just say to yourself if it was I would I want to know and go from there
I heard this crafty little bit from an elementary school-aged kid this weekend: "MYOB", "What the heck does MYOB mean?" I asked. "Mind your own business", she said.

Whatever that's worth to you at the moment. Tough call. Good luck.

I've been the friend wanting to look out for the other friend (imagine that Lol) and it didn't turn out well. If he decides to stay with her, yalls friendship will suffer; if he leaves her bc of what you told him, yalls friendship will suffer. Just think it thru.

Maybe an anonymous email to her to light a fire under her ass???
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus more than I believe the OP and his plight...But you guys carry on with such sage advice for him.