Is it possible to see the return of automatic weapons?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The National Firearms Act was passed in 1934 as a mean to get rid of automatic weapons. Despite every idiotic politician and talking head, there are few real automatic (that means machine gun) out on the street. At the heart of the recent ruling is that law has to built on a good foundation. So, any argument has to come from the text of the Constitution and not some made up law or precedent passed later on.
The NFA is being challenged in court with that ruling in mind. I've seen excerpts of the 1934 law and they clearly state that they were trying to do a work around with taxes because they doubted the constitutionality of a ban. That's a strike against the NFA. It is also apparent the 1934 law was based on laws from the decade before and not the constitution. That's strike two.
Anyway, we don't need a third strike if this court is to be consistent. They would have to strike down the NFA and the mega tax on automatic weapons. Just in time for the coming revolution or to fight back against the far-left insurrection.

So far just an opinion. Might take a couple of years to work its way up the food chain.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't know how it'll turn out.

I wouldn't mind an ease up on the the law on 3 shot auto rifle. full auto, not so much. automatic rifles are essentially light machine guns. not much utility for it, except for using it as a broom sweep. waste alot of ammo too.

the reason for the 1934 law was the use of Tommy gun rifles by the mob in their "territorial wars" in the 1920's during the alcohol prohibition.

the authors of the 1934 doubted its constitutionality of its ban? not sure why they would think that. this falls under the "regulated militia" part of the 2nd amendment.

we'll see how the supreme court rules on that. I think they will uphold it. its possible they can strike down some provisions of that act.
ICU 812's Avatar
I think that many recognize that the NFA does not ban machine guns. but regulates them. Until 1086 about anyone with a clean record could manufacture or buy a machine gun, register it and pay the tax.

A new law: After 1986 only guns already on the register could be bought, sold or owned. The same people who could register one before could still do so, but it had to be a gun already registered as a machine gun.

I have for years enjoyed telling gun control folks that US citizens could still own machine guns.
ICU 812's Avatar
As an aside: For those who have little knowledge of firearms let me say that it can be pretty easy to convert an "AR-Style" firearm to be fully automatic.

See the following videos:

There are other, more elegant tweaks to do the same thing, but this is the most accessible method. It is kitchen table technology.

Note that at this time it is illegal to even bend the wire into that shape let alone actually put it into a gun. The penaltys are something like$20,000 and 20 years in Jail I dont know the numbers exactly, but its just not worth doing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lock and load, patriots!
one of my sons has, among many other weapons, two machine guns

they've only just about tripled in value since he bought them
I think that many recognize that the NFA does not ban machine guns. but regulates them. Until 1086 about anyone with a clean record could manufacture or buy a machine gun, register it and pay the tax.

A new law: After 1986 only guns already on the register could be bought, sold or owned. The same people who could register one before could still do so, but it had to be a gun already registered as a machine gun.

I have for years enjoyed telling gun control folks that US citizens could still own machine guns. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Maybe in TX. In NY even AR15s are banned.
Maybe in TX. In NY even AR15s are banned. Originally Posted by chumfun
Yeah, on paper, lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
Maybe in TX. In NY even AR15s are banned. Originally Posted by chumfun
Well, what is considered to be an "AR-15" in NY? Is it any semi-auto rifle? Here is a manually cycled "AR 15":

And anyway . . ."They" can't dig up everyone's flower bed. Out in up-state NY, I'll bet here are plenty of "banned" guns in deep storage. Up-state? Heck, I'll bet there are banned guns safely stored away in suburban areas too.
ICU 812's Avatar
And here is a trick with a string that can be made to work . . .

The BATFE has ruled that the piece of string (by itself) is regulated as though it was a machine
Well, what is considered to be an "AR-15" in NY? Is it any semi-auto rifle? Here is a manually cycled "AR 15":

And anyway . . ."They" can't dig up everyone's flower bed. Out in up-state NY, I'll bet here are plenty of "banned" guns in deep storage. Up-state? Heck, I'll bet there are banned guns safely stored away in suburban areas too. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah, I think I was shooting from the hip about the banning of AR15s. I think they outlawed certain furniture that makes it look like their idea of an 'assault weapon'. The NY SAFE act was rammed thru in the middle of the night before anyone could read it. They got a lot of stuff wrong. They tried to label the MAC10 an 'assault weapon' and whadya know got my .22 target pistol included cause the magazine was forward of the trigger. Their most recent creation, to bypass the Supreme Court's ruling, was likewise rammed thru in middle of the night with TONs of mistakes. They like to concentrate on law-abiding gun owners in NY, we're easier targets.