You Just Won The Lottery!

runswithscissors's Avatar
I have just recently returned from living in Europe the past couple of months; great to be back in Austin for a little while...

I was enjoying dinner one evening with an escort I have known for several years and some of her friends joined us, the Ladies being both in the Business and outside the Business, and the question of the Lottery came up...

If you won a 10 million dollar lottery, what would you do?

Travel the world and hobby around the clock?

Retire from the hobby completely?

Suprising me were the Ladies in the Business who stated " Retire ? I enjoy men too much to retire; but I would feel financially secure in the process."

This is as much for the Ladies as the gentlemen; what would you do with 10 million dollars?

A fleet of cars; a fast jet to Vegas, or a slow boat around the world?
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

A bunker in an undisclosed location with lots of food, seeds, water, medicine, tools, guns and ammunition.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I would buy the Bunny Ranch!
lil_michelle's Avatar
I would buy the Bunny Ranch! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

:laughbounce2 :
sixxbach's Avatar
Well of course, I would take care of my family first and foremost.

I think I would have one crazy filled week in Vegas with hookers, etc.....

Donate to a cause I strongly believe in......

Get into law school......

Of course, I would go the SB route with some needy 18-19 year olds....

Bobave's Avatar
Well of course, I would take care of my family first and foremost.
I think I would have one crazy filled week in Vegas with hookers, etc.....
Donate to a cause I strongly believe in......
Get into law school......
Of course, I would go the SB route with some needy 18-19 year olds....
sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Hey Sixx, for what it's worth, I totally agree with you on your choices (well, not the law school thing, but...)
I agree first & formost, i'd take care of my family... I want my mom to retire & neices to go to college
Then invest & open some cd's & a trust fund for my kiddo
Open the buisness I've dreamed of for years
Donate to austin,round rock & georgetown animal shelters
Buy my challenger
Have a few tatoos removed
Take my first trip on a plane to africa or australia to swim with great whites (in a cage of course)

Well thats some of what i'd do
knotty man's Avatar
lol. damn ,marley! you just won $10,000,000 and your gonna get a challenger! why not get a double wide while your at it . oh. and a george foreman grill
Grecco's Avatar

First and foremost, Pay the hospital bill from the massive heart attack I'll probably have after finding out I won,

Then, if I don't drop dead...

I'd payoff my debt as well as my family's debt,

Make sure my nieces and nephews are set to go to college (without them knowing, don't want to raise snobs),

Take a break from work for about a year and travel to the places I've always wanted to go,

Buy a beach house in my Culebra (look it up),

Take flying lessons,

Maybe open a business again,

Definitely save up some money and invest.

I won't say donate to a cause because I don't know if I would in reality

I have a friend who says he would spend it in travel, alcohol, ....., and hookers... to each their own
knotty man's Avatar
sea monkeys!!!!
I want sea monkeys too!

Pay off college debt for myself, sisters and brothers. Set up funds for all my nieces and nephews.

Travel and write that novel.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I would by the Mustang Ranch in Nevada as well! I want to invest in something made in America.
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Ok, first, I would go eat some tacos at my favorite Mexican joint. Then I would make sure my folks retired, and lived happily ever after doing whatever they wanted to do. Then I would probably go to some island, buy some land, if not the whole island, and invite over some providers to create our own pleasure island....we would all be shareholders.....where tourists can actually come over and have some fun and adventure, and relax while staying away from all that is commercial, and enjoying some steamy nights of carnal pleasure.
NipLover's Avatar
House for mom
House for sis
Really really big house for me, in the Hill Country
Nice simple 4 or 5 bedroom house in Kauai
A Maybach, A Maserati and a motorcoach
A nice place on the lake, with all the accouterments. Oh, did I mention it was Lake Tahoe?
And then I would spend some time hobbying. But only most of my time.
Howdy, Folks!

A bunker in an undisclosed location with lots of food, seeds, water, medicine, tools, guns and ammunition. Originally Posted by Baloney Pony
plus gold & silver in small denominations