I will be back in action in a few weeks when new boobs heal!

Just letting everyone know I will be back in action in a few weeks. The new boobs are still healing and bruised so waiting for them to feel better! Also they are HUGE! Lol. I got some 38 G bras for a deal and well let's just say they are a little to small so I went online with a tape measured to see what my appropriate bra size is going to be and with a 35 around the band area and a 47 around the breast over the nipple I had a 47 here is what I got!

Your recommended bra size is 36L

Now I may be a little smaller not sure if swelling still but I do know when I bent over to put a ponytail in my hair I actually had boobs in my face and could smother myself. Lol. So hoping with the silicone out and the saline in I will feel much better! Will probably just take some pics of me non professional until I can get to Pennsylvania to shoot with Scott Church! I am so excited to see my friends again and be able to play!

Love and licks,

Gemini Starr
Wishing you a speedy recovery.

And us some photos.
I am doing some photos this weekend but in clothes due to bruising still going on but you guys will be able to get an idea on how big they are! ; ). Hee hee!


Gemini Starr