even whores have feelings...

I fancy myself a true courtesan (companion) but unfortunately there is not much of a market for that here in Nashville and so I have been reduced to lesser titles. Don't get me wrong, I have a hand full of men in my life who feel this way, But not nearly enough.....unfortunately they do not realize what they are missing out on. To those who trust me im equivalent to a girlfriend who expects nothing of emotional value in return, never blows your phone up or gets jealous and who is always understanding and patient. .... and I say none of that to sound overly confident as many people who actually know me, tell me that sometimes im too far the exact opposite. I suppose im telling you this bc I had a bad experience today. Some salesman called me, I asked to verify his identity and he scoffed at me and replied "what makes you think I'm going to give away my identity to some whore" as if his identity was important enough to black market if I wanted to? I have more public figures in my black book than id care to count and I feel as though my references are my reviews, yet some of these men expect me to invite some stranger to my private home? That's how murders happen!

Oh my....here ive gone on one of my rants, im so sorry, sometimes I have feelings too and they get hurt by assholes. I never set out to be a tool for masturbation, I set out to provide men with whatever it was that they were missing in their lives, to be of service. Being the Aquarius that I am, I have always felt I belonged to the world rather the one person.
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
every buddy on the hole team who is worth a shit thinks you are awsome! and i new you was gonna be back when you was a UTR that i would of like to keep to my self BUT that wouldnt of been rite. your prolly the coolest there is and def NOT selfish. that dude who called you was a ass hole who dont knw what he was missed out on. so just keep doing what your doing sense your THE BEST.
mike1701's Avatar
Tits is right.

That wanna be asshole who thought so highly of himself is no better than used TP.
For those who think their shit don't stink, have their head up their on ass. Can't smell.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Remember the Latin wisdom:

Illegitimi non carborundum est.

("Don't let the bastards grind you down.")

I've heard nothing but good things about you, myself. It's my loss that I'm out of the game, and that I'll probably* never have the fairverona experience.

Hang in there.



*Well, there is always that chance that Those Inconsiderate Bastards will stop winning my 9 digit lottery jackpots. If I ever win it, I'll be in touch.
Well said. Way to go girl.


I fancy myself a true courtesan (companion) but unfortunately there is not much of a market for that here in Nashville and so I have been reduced to lesser titles. Don't get me wrong, I have a hand full of men in my life who feel this way, But not nearly enough.....unfortunately they do not realize what they are missing out on. To those who trust me im equivalent to a girlfriend who expects nothing of emotional value in return, never blows your phone up or gets jealous and who is always understanding and patient. .... and I say none of that to sound overly confident as many people who actually know me, tell me that sometimes im too far the exact opposite. I suppose im telling you this bc I had a bad experience today. Some salesman called me, I asked to verify his identity and he scoffed at me and replied "what makes you think I'm going to give away my identity to some whore" as if his identity was important enough to black market if I wanted to? I have more public figures in my black book than id care to count and I feel as though my references are my reviews, yet some of these men expect me to invite some stranger to my private home? That's how murders happen!

Oh my....here ive gone on one of my rants, im so sorry, sometimes I have feelings too and they get hurt by assholes. I never set out to be a tool for masturbation, I set out to provide men with whatever it was that they were missing in their lives, to be of service. Being the Aquarius that I am, I have always felt I belonged to the world rather the one person. Originally Posted by fairverona
Memaca's Avatar
As a man I feel that I have to apologize for the behavior of this immature male. The problem is that sometimes boys never grow up and become men. Real men should cherish the time they are allowed to spend with any lady. He most likely will never know what he is missing in life. To paraphrase BCG, don't let the actions of the ignorant, inconsiderate, and of questionable intelligence have any effect on someone like yourself. We are all blessed by your presence in this community.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've been where you are. Or were last evening.

One of the reasons why we charge what we do, and manage to get it, is that we're giving of ourselves and we have to carry this burden (and I'm not sure how to define "burden" but I do think that the word fits what I'm attempting to write and express) of service around within us.

We also have to deal with societal prejudice, which while unfair, it's not going to go away.

That is why for most, being an active sex worker is generally a short lived occupation.

It's just so hard on the heart and head.

That guy behaved like a dick. Rise above it and shake that negativity off of you. You don't deserve what he verbally threw at you and you already know this. At the end of the day, you're better than all of that.

Take care,
Sonoman's Avatar
If that's the way he thinks then let him go play in the minor leagues. When I/we read your reviews and other comments from other outlets, I get a picture of how you described yourself. I agree with you and others there are special ladies that one should likely not miss an opportunity to visit with.

If he can't trust you and others of you caliber then you've missed nothing and he missed it all. Hold your head high and never stoop down to his level.
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
well said SONGMAN!
ya know, after much consideration, he was probably a cop! lmao
DallasRain's Avatar
great responses...keep your chin up sweety.....you seem to be well liked

keep rockin!!
I feel the same way Verona. I am an Empath, so I have to steer clear of negative energy and have had to decline appointments with certain individuals in this hobby. You probably dodged a bullet with that jerk...a woman's intuition is one of our best assets that we should NEVER ignore