Out of the mouths of babes

"Of all the things that never happened, that never happened the most."

Has someone said something clever that stuck with you? Please share it.

If you can't find the author or reference, please don't let that stop you.

P.S. Would it be OK if some of the unquoted quotes were, well, explicit?
bladtinzu's Avatar
And upon reading the thread title I was thinking you encountered a spitter.
My kid once said, 'Dad, now I'll never have to ask you for money again.'
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-04-2014, 10:17 AM
Called an insurance company about a policy my recently deceased uncle had. The person on the phone told me, "We will send you a form. Just have your uncle sign it."
AmishGangster's Avatar
"Trust me when you hour is over and you are nowhere in sight, she turns right back into whatever she really is and you probably wouldn't pay to see it." - forgotten SOB from ASPD said to me after a really great appointment many years ago
"Seriously, even my clients objectify me less than mainstream feminism usually does."

"Feminists say I'm a 'prostituted woman', a 'transgendered woman', like these are things done to me. Denial of women's agency. How feminist."
"When you're in my mouth, I own your soul."