Mike Lindell: Proud Patriot? Or victim of Trump's crusades?

DNinja69's Avatar

Eventually there will be others who had paid a similar price but today I think Mr My Pillow has suffered the most for his allegiance to the 'stolen' crusade that keeps Donald Trump's legacy intact.

Lindell owes $5 million and a boatload of legal fees in just one case that he lost over the 2020 election. Now he is going to be part of a case SCOTUS will hear involving a 2022 election in AZ which he predicts another 9-0 ruling. Although that has zero to do with 2020 he may see it as a way to put a little shine on his name and try to save his company.

A popular soundbyte Trump likes to use is 'no victims' but of course there are and some of them are paying a very high price. But they are adults making their own choices

Oh and of course the 2020 election was actually not factually no evidence but we know and he knows so its still 'stolen'
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lindell was a star struck stooge who was too fucking stupid to recognize where he was being dragged.

He’s no patriot.

He deserves to die penniless and in prison.
winn dixie's Avatar
That's what trumpf does. Leave victims behind
He is a frigging idiot 🙄
eyecu2's Avatar
Lindell was a star struck stooge who was too fucking stupid to recognize where he was being dragged.

He’s no patriot.

He deserves to die penniless and in prison. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

All of the useful idiots to help perpetrate a ruse of a stolen election....

But penniless- in a tent out in the woods. ---But with a real comfy pillow!
winn dixie's Avatar
All of the useful idiots to help perpetrate a ruse of a stolen election....

But penniless- in a tent out in the woods. ---But with a real comfy pillow! Originally Posted by eyecu2
He suffered a heavy price endorsing trumpf. What did trumpf with his supposed bbbbillions do for Mikey? Nothing
I gotta say. His pillows are the best.
DNinja69's Avatar
It is hard to feel sorry for Mr MyPillow he went well beyond support and put his life's work on the line for Donald Trump. Many others within the Trump train have paid a hefty price as well. Mike Pence among them.

But anyone paying attention has known that Trump is about Trump. Everyone else is either just an asset to use until they aren't anymore or a target
txdot-guy's Avatar
That's what trumpf does. Leave victims behind Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah, like the American people.
eyecu2's Avatar
In addition to the pillow dude, Peter Navarro has now been told to show up at the penitentiary on March 19th.

Peter Navarro, once an economic adviser to former President Trump, has been ordered to report to a Miami prison March 19 to begin serving a four-month sentence for refusing to comply with a congressional investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

Navarro, 74, was convicted last year on two counts of contempt of Congress — one for failing to produce documents related to the probe and another for skipping his deposition.

I wonder if Steve Bannon will be joining? Since he was also sentenced to the same fate.
He's a class-A dummy. Reminds me of the pro-Trump posters on ECCIE.
Clay Media's Avatar
Lindell was a star struck stooge who was too fucking stupid to recognize where he was being dragged.

He’s no patriot.

He deserves to die penniless and in prison. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How many stores did you loot for saint george floyd?
DNinja69's Avatar
I mean when you getting sued for over $1 billion for defamation it would be a huge gift if SCOTUS stepped in to save the day!

If not Mr MyPillow going to need a few of those comfy (they are awesome!)
critters so sit on after his ass gets reamed by Dominion.

At what cost? all to protect the ego of an orange ex-president..
The list of Dumb-Fuck Trump Lemmings is legion. Guiliani, Navarro, Pence, even Dudes Trump attacked like Cruz and Rubio beg Trump for admission to his inner circle.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The list of Dumb-Fuck Trump Lemmings is legion. Guiliani, Navarro, Pence, even Dudes Trump attacked like Cruz and Rubio beg Trump for admission to his inner circle. Originally Posted by Capital

clearly the rhetoric of politics escapes you. politicians denigrate each other to win then they all move on.

contrary to many in this thread Lindell isn't out of biz

so go buy one of his pillows


when his website goes offline then he's out of biz

btw i bought one a few years back. just to see how good it was. it wasn't suitable for how i sleep.
DNinja69's Avatar
It seems someone has talked sense into Mr MyPillows head as he has cancelled his 'big event' at SCOTUS sounds like a solid move.

We all know how those can turn out when the 2020 election is the issue.