this is to my 9 am appointment this morning

Max Rax's Avatar
im going to give u 48 hrs to return my stuff u stole before i give the girls your info.......what were u thinking honestly u took my stuff but left the money im posting this here becasue i know u read the site i expect to hear from u with in 48 hrs i know ur your mind wasnt all there since u had been up going on 72 hrs but that is not cool
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-18-2010, 02:02 PM
I cant give you back your heart baby.

I know that was lame, sorry some dude ripped you off hope you get your stuff back.
If someone stole from me I'm not so sure I wouldn't hold the name back for 48 hours babe.
That's just shittiness...

Max, see what happens when you break your routine and get up before noon?

Personally, I think the alerts should start now and just be updated if he chooses to return your stuff.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Sorry he did that to you. What an ass.
He left the money, but stole your stuff.........yikes, times is hard!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-18-2010, 02:52 PM
can I ask what he stole? (everyone knows they want to know)

you dont have to say it, but if you can.

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
What a douchebag I hope you get your stuff back! Alert in the ladies section anyway,so we know who Not 2 See
Max Rax's Avatar
Let me clarify what he took he wanted a Don session and he took most of my supplies for that everything except for 1 item that I had in my purse the money was left on the bathroom counter I was in the bathroom when I came out he was gone along with my items and cash still there
He left the money, but stole your stuff.........yikes, times is hard! Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
blowpop's Avatar
What a little bitch. I'd spread the word around; maybe the next provider who handles this little subbie will take it out of his ass.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-18-2010, 03:39 PM
I think thats a thing for some guys stealing the supplies used on them. I dont know why you want the Domination gear you used on him I mean you are not there to use it on him anymore. Another provider told me someone stole her strap on after she used it on the guy she said she called him but he would not bring it back. I dont know what you would do with that when you get it home, how do you explain the stolen strap on if your friends find it?

Well ladies if you use gear make sure you have it gathered up after you are done.
IronMan9's Avatar
-what kind of a jerk would do something like that?
(Note: Providers are to be treated with the upmost respect. no exceptions.)
srvfin's Avatar
Sweets.... Sorry bout that. What a slimy little bitch move on his part.
Max Rax's Avatar
Sweets.... Sorry bout that. What a slimy little bitch move on his part. Originally Posted by srvfin
I agree most of all I want my outfit back it was a leather corset and shorts that I had altered to fit me perfectly the outfit was about 300 and that's what I want its not like he can wear it lol
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-18-2010, 04:33 PM
I agree most of all I want my outfit back it was a leather corset and shorts that I had altered to fit me perfectly the outfit was about 300 and that's what I want its not like he can wear it lol Originally Posted by Max Rax
I bet he tries to wear it.