How early is too early?

JayOnel's Avatar
Had a thought while driving around killing time before making the call that "I have arrived" ... how early is too early to arrive for an appointment? I try to make the call at 5-10 minutes before our agreed time. Gives me time to find a parking place, walk to the door, pick up my jaw when I see what she's wearing, etc. I have a couple of regulars who don't mind me getting there early so we can visit and catch up. Do the ladies have any preference? I'm not talking about those situations where you have to get a room or meet with the agency owner first - that timing is completely different.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I always come early... but the providers don't seem to mind... in fact they usually act relieved... oh, wait... that's not what you were talking about was it... dang...
Timk48's Avatar
I usually am on time...maybe 15 minutes early at the most.
boardman's Avatar
I try to get there about 10 minutes early and call to let her know I am there. I don't expect her to see me prior to our scheduled time though.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-25-2010, 02:49 PM
I am normally late but most of the time they are late so it works out.
I like it when there 5 minutes late! But the way I measure time is not the same as most. I don't even own a clock (on purpose). Except when I am getting ready, then I have to conform to make my appointment. But finishing it is on my time frame... If it is a no clock session, i say 5 min late-but no more. If its a FS session on a clock, call or text 1 min from your appointment. That way she doent freak out, it's hard to curl your hair while on the phone, FYI
The worst thing to do is when you arrive early call her and say "I'm here!". As if you expect her to have nothing more to do with her time but anxiously await your arrival. Soooo rude. If you arrive early it's nice to give a a heads up -"Hi provider,this is hobbyist, I know I'm early but wanted you to know I'm at the designated spot. So whenever you're ready, I am too.". That's respectful. Most of the time I'm jumping out of the shower and getting finished dressing just minutes before the session time!
seanes's Avatar
Good thread J1.

Ladies thanks for the etiquette lesson.

(And BOIT Thanks for the other lesson.)
JayOnel's Avatar
The worst thing to do is when you arrive early call her and say "I'm here!". As if you expect her to have nothing more to do with her time but anxiously await your arrival. Soooo rude. If you arrive early it's nice to give a a heads up -"Hi provider,this is hobbyist, I know I'm early but wanted you to know I'm at the designated spot. So whenever you're ready, I am too.". That's respectful. Most of the time I'm jumping out of the shower and getting finished dressing just minutes before the session time! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Good advice, Heather. I never actually say "I'm here" although I've been very close to saying "I'm coming!"
  • romab
  • 06-28-2010, 08:57 PM
I normally ask how early she would like me call to let her know I am in area. Try and keep that call on time and let her make the final decision on when she will be ready. First call is to affirm that appt is on and not have her wondering if I fall into the jackass NSNC class. After that totally flexible to what makes her comfortable.

My 2 cents Romab
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-29-2010, 07:14 AM
I always arrive early to kinda look around. But, I don't call until the scheduled time.
Im usually on time. But,if im a bit tardy he be early. ironic.
I try to be on time or a little early so if you are early thats great! Definently call if you are already here!!!! I will either be there or almost there...
Billwm's Avatar
I try to arrive at her door right on time. But I get to the neighborhood early to drive around and make sure there is nothing suspicious around there. And I can scope out a good parking place.

DallasRain's Avatar
good post!! I usually don't mind if a guy arrives at least 15 min long as he calls to let me know it beats him being late!!! lol