What could you have?

Joewuzzzup's Avatar
I was sitting at work just wondering what could I have bought if I saved my hobby money? For me I've been a lurker for sometime and I even partaked in some hobbying. Mostly mine have been angency. But for me seeing as I don't get to hobby to much. I can honestly say I could of paid my mortgage atleast once. Or atleast 3 car payments.

And started wondering what would some of my fellow hobbiest pruchase if they kept their money?

Now don't get me wrong nothing against hobbying and if I could go back I would do it all over again. I enjoy this.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-30-2010, 05:40 PM
Well, so far, since I started on Feb 29th, 2004, I have spent enough to at least buy that 555ci / 1200HP motor that I'm wanting for my go-fast boat.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
And thank you, gentlemen, for helping me pay MY mortgage! All you lovely fellows are stimulating the US economy with every provider you stimulate or who you let raise your ....flag. Think how bad things would be if you hoarded all that play money? You're just doing your patriotic duty. God bless you, every one.
boardman's Avatar
Oh, I would've done something crazy with it any way.....Like buying pussy!
TexasDesperado's Avatar
when I read your post my mind went the opposite direction I thought you were looking at it the wrong way, just think of how many wonderful women you could have spent time with had you not bought all that useless crap you can't take with you when your time is up. In my case 360 house payments = 244,800/200 a session = 1224 and in reality it would be a lot more since over the years session prices went up and when I first had my first session it cost way less than today. (yes I am a old fart) add to that new cars and toys I don't have or even remember why I got them to begin with. what a waste. is what I deserve.

pyramider's Avatar
Oh, I would've done something crazy with it any way.....Like buying pussy! Originally Posted by boardman

Too bad there is no free pussy.
I can honestly say I could of paid my mortgage atleast once. Or atleast 3 car payments. Originally Posted by Joewuzzzup
You're in MUCH better shape than some of us long timers on here... This question comes up once in a while and causes me to think but, then I shake it off and start looking for the next session. I love toys (no not that kind, you sick bastards!! ) but love pussy more!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
... one day a while back I realized I had done nothing my entire adult life except work hard , save money and strive to get ahead... and I mused , "Wonder if I'll ever have sex again before I die?"... one morning riding my mountain bike along the bayou I had a heart attack... as I was being wheeled into the operating room, the last thought that went through my mind before going under..." I guess not...MOTHER F*CKER!

The moral to this story is: When you are on your death bed would you rather think about all the cars and boats you had bought... or the time you had that set of triplets for a week ender... I'm just sayin' ...
boardman's Avatar
... one day a while back I realized I had done nothing my entire adult life except work hard , save money and strive to get ahead... and I mused , "Wonder if I'll ever have sex again before I die?"... one morning riding my mountain bike along the bayou I had a heart attack... as I was being wheeled into the operating room, the last thought that went through my mind before going under..." I guess not...MOTHER F*CKER!

The moral to this story is: When you are on your death bed would you rather think about all the cars and boats you had bought... or the time you had that set of triplets for a week ender... I'm just sayin' ... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Sage advice from the old timer!!!
seanes's Avatar
Spent it traveling to exotic locales to enjoy the company of a lady in every member nation of the UN. That's my bucket list.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
"Stuff" comes and goes...memories last a lifetime...
Oh, I would've done something crazy with it any way.....Like buying pussy! Originally Posted by boardman
love the honesty ! lmao you gotta love pussy!
Joewuzzzup's Avatar
good answers guys...like I said if I could go back and do it over, I would still have made those calls and seen the same people I've seen. Like thatman said memories last forever...I was just sitting at working thinking about this one day....I see people buying nice cars and other object, and what comes to my mind is I could of had 3 sessions for what he got...I could of played everyday for a week.

I guess it's just the perv in me..
im definitely with boardman.....mine will still go on pussy. i dont think you can ever get enuff of it. i would definitely take a trip to the bunny ranch in nevada and take my pickings. more money....more vagina.....no disrespect ladies.

balls deep baby....then save for the toys if u want them...
Mojojo's Avatar
Oh, I would've done something crazy with it any way.....Like buying pussy! Originally Posted by boardman

Yup, I could have gone on several dates, bought gifts, etc etc so in the end I guess it doesn't really matter cause hobby or no hobby your still spending. Then again I've never minded spending money on what makes me happy.