The Age Difference

CuddlyForest's Avatar
Just trying to figure out how each person deals with the age difference between provider and hobbyist. I have the reverse issue where, because I'm a younger guy, I tend to meet slightly older providers from time to time. (15+ years being the biggest difference.) I usually never have a problems with a provider unless they have a very strict policy of over 30. (Which did happen once when I tried to set up an appt with a younger provider around my same age.)

What kind of age difference do you folks consider off limits? Do you have any interesting stories or insights? To me it is not that big of a deal, just trying to get some frank discussion going!
Yeah there is one in particular I want to see with a over 30 policy-
CuddlyForest's Avatar
Yeah there is one in particular I want to see with a over 30 policy- Originally Posted by Aceswild
I really do not understand this. Is it some sort of generalization that those under 30 cause problems? I would understand if it were just a preference to see older gentlemen. However I have yet to hear this being the cause for such a policy.
Only speaking for myself of course...

Since I'm an old lady in this type of culture (as a provider)... yea, I'm 42... what? Anyway, if I see anyone under the age of 25 its like seeing one of my son's friends. Awkward!

As far as the other ladies go, I'll let them speak for themselves but I think it may be a conceived maturity issue.
Since I am an old fart, I only see ladies younger than me. My rule of thumb is I preferr to see ladies 35+. Exceptions are made when I have met them in person and find some chemistry. I have see providers a young as 19 and as old as 60+. IMHO, age is not the factor, its the chemistry, however younger has a higher likelyhood of drama. I think that is the reason some providers have age restrictions. There are plenty that will see you if you have the money and I for one am greatful that they will.
Guest072010's Avatar
I have established my own rules, and refuse to see providers who are more than #1: 50 years younger than me, or #2: 50 years older than me. And that's chiseled in STONE !
i have a 30 plus pref in this hobby and in the civilian world. not that i am not attracted to younger men, but i prefer older men.

i am 23. as far as the hobby world is's my two cents.

whenever i've been shorted, haggled for prices, asked for more time, or get random texts just to "talk", it's been from a younger guy who's a little less experienced in the hobby. frankly, older men tend to be more respectful.
i have a 30 plus pref in this hobby and in the civilian world. not that i am not attracted to younger men, but i prefer older men.
Originally Posted by pamperedsecret
Good news for us old guys!

All but one provider I've seen have been younger than me. She was in her mid 40s, and was VERY cool and accomodating....she didn't care at all that she was 10+ years older than me. And that's taking into consideration that I look much younger than I actually am. She didn't seem to give it a second thought. It's typically been the providers who are younger than me who are more curious I suppose (or cautious?) and ask for my age once we are face to face.
Holden Mcrotch's Avatar
Me being in my 30's i haven't had a problem with being too old or too young for them to see. However i usually like seeing providers that are 30 and older. Don't get me wrong i'll also see the 20 something providers as well.
I think there is also a difference in attitude. The younger guys are more into the "I just wanna get laid" state of mind, whereas I find the older guys (even though yes they wanna get laid too) are also into the companionship. Of course it's not always the case, I've met quite a few of the younger guys here and they were/are a blast to talk to and chat with. I've met older guys who I couldn't get a word out of them with a pair of pliers so....

2 cents Ka-Ching!
Hunter 510's Avatar
Einstien: e=MC2 age is like mind over matter, if you don't mind, then it don't matter....
jughead1171's Avatar
I hate to admit but I guess I am old but I am glad there are providers in their 20s that don't mind seeing men in their late 40s. While I think all women are sexy I do tend to lean towards the providers in their 20s and 30s.
I am a 30ish guy and love older women (I was 25 and actually dating a 41yr old and it was the best sex of my life.. First anal sex where she wanted me to do it and didn't need to be begged...)

I've been with the 20ish providers (needed to check a few ID's here an there) and the 30+ providers are more in tune with what the hobby is.. Less likelyhood of ripoffs, other drama, and for a discrete guy like me The timing for a quickie nooner and them won't call me constantly to see if I'm going to call back...

Just a 2 cent view
  • Chloe
  • 02-19-2010, 01:10 AM
This is a question I see posted in many areas . . . obviously a hot topic.

I used to put women and men in categories based on age, then I switched it to experience (which usually still entailed age) and now it has come to a space of non-existant.

Am I weary about seeing a guy around my age . . . sometimes when I think we may have gone to the same highschool or college or had mutual friends at one point . . .

Am I weary about seeing someone older . . . sometimes when I think you may have been my professor or teacher or worse . . . my uncle (I have a huge family that barely keeps in touch) lol.

I LOVE the younger guy that throws away his ego and broadens his horizons at such a young age not being prompted by life circumstance. And I LOVE the older men that come in and bring their experience to the table!!!

Do you know how many times I have heard, "If I knew you were this tall I would have never seen you (a past agency screwed up and said 5'6" instead of 5'9") . . . but I am so glad I did." And we maintained a relationship since. . .

I am a white, young country girl . . .grew up where there was only one black family and the foreign exchange student. That was my cultural diversity. My providing opened that avenue . . .and I see that in the way that I did when I started trying new foods . .. . like "Um I don't know? I'll try it . .. oh this is different . . . um oh yeah this is GOOD!!"

I can write a book on this so I'll stop . . .

Hobbiests, no matter what age . . . know how to fuck and know how to fuck WELL!!! Throw the age barrier out . . . open your mind and body to the possibilties you are prejudice against due to far too few experience.

MEN: see that younger, older, freakier, fatter, thinner, taller, shorter or more shy provider.
Women:see that younger, older, freakier, fatter, thinner, taller, shorter and more shy client.

I'd have to say I knew nothing 8 months ago when I started providing, you guys taught me well And I mean all flavors of you! I had never experienced ANYTHING as good before I met you boys . . . .mmmmm