Tipping and Gifts (for the wusses desiring to talk about it in other threads)

Whispers's Avatar
You sir are a sad individual. This is a hobby, not a necessity if you can't afford its luxuries then find something else to do with you time. But, don't down talk the ones that can. Originally Posted by kSoze to CodyBeast in a thread about multiple pops

LMAO at the relatively unknown with ZERO reviews telling the well known hobbyist what he can and cannot afford. (Bored a work and bored at home..... lonely and in between work outs?)

I can afford $300 an hour providers if I want. I don't pay it because pussy has a value to me that does not exceed $250. And the concept of TIPPING for basic services rendered in an industry where the avg provider makes more money than her clients is simply ludicrous. Hell I expect a hell of a lot more for MY $250 than most of you..... I want to go to dinner or a show and relax for a couple of hours BEFORE BCD and then I want a couple of hours between the sheets. THAT is worth MY $250 and it is all around you for anyone that learns where and how to find it.

The one trait I tend to see in guys that tip is a desire to somehow have that hooker he just gave a few hundred bucks to look at him and maybe think he his somehow a better john that all the others that did not tip....

I have not met too many ladies that would not prefer a well written review, a referral and repeat business over a few extra bucks or some trinket you buy trying to humanize a very dehumanizing act.

as a matter of fact...... from over 30 years experience and at one time thinking I was somehow a nicer guy than others because I was a kind gentleman with a soft touch and basic needs,........ .let me tell you the most PREFERRED client type I have heard the vast majority of indy and agency providers tell me they liked.....

a) They want a guy that shows up, does the deed and gets the fuck out as quickly as possible.

b) They don't care if you care one way or another about whether or not they are enjoying it.

c) they prefer the take charge order givers "Get on your Knees... Suck it... Bend over... spread your ass..... get on your back...." etc..etc... over the romantics that want to make love to them

d) For MANY if not most you are there engaging in a stomach turning disgusting act they want to forget about as fast as you are out the door. They want NO reminders of it in your trinkets.

e) Tips? See above.... It's forgotten as fast as you are gone.... You.. Me.... Any of us... just filled a hole in their day (pun intended) .....

Are there exception? Sure.... Consider the vast numbers of ladies out there and you can surely identify some.

Are there more here than other places? Well SURE! They have found the largest COLLECTION OF LOVE STARVED ATTENTION HUNGRY SAPS they could hope for so they will cater to your delusions.

"Some you tend to forget that your time with them is a Hobby. Their time with you is a BUSINESS!

Don't get caught up in the illusion."

Whispers's Avatar
Interesting that with some of the finest luxuries and measures of success that a man can enjoy.....

Membership in an exclusive Country Club for example.....

Tipping is not allowed as they want ALL THEIR CLIENTS to receive the same equal AND SUPERB Service.....

There are other examples as well..... including many quality escort services over the year that have charged a flat rate and not allowed tips to the ladies........ Services were plentiful and of excellant caliber for all to enjoy.....

Telll me KSoze.... What "luxuries" in life have you actually enjoyed? Other than some hooker spreading her legs for you for a couple of hundred bucks and making you feel special have ever really done ANYTHING worth telling us about?
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 12:03 PM
Tipping is not allowed as they want ALL THEIR CLIENTS to receive the same equal AND SUPERB Service..... Originally Posted by Whispers
The country club agrees with me.. clients (that tip) might enjoy a better experience than the rest of the members. And in order to manage complaints with these cry babies, the CC instead asks that tipping NOT be allowed since it might give the BALLERS an unfair advantage at the club, am I wrong?

Whispers, I am not blaming your for being cheap or maybe its NOT by choice but let the ones that want to be generous be. The truth behind your post is that it OUTS you as a cheap-ass, and you know it.

WUSSES? really, that is the best you can do when name callingl?
I too thought that was the stupidest post I have ever seen. I was going to comment on it but how do you respond when someone says; because you have paid the agreed upon price, you obviously can't afford it.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 12:14 PM
I too thought that was the stupidest post I have ever seen. I was going to comment on it but how do you respond when someone says; because you have paid the agreed upon price, you obviously can't afford it. Originally Posted by JJones
In this economy you can tell the ones that can afford to spend on certain luxuries and those that scrounge to just to buy. BIG difference and those that argue differently are the buyers.
If tipping makes you feel good about yourself, go right ahead and tip.

If you tip b/c you want to be viewed as "special", you're an idiot.

The concept of not overpaying for pussy does not make one cheap in my opinion. I take the opposite position....over paying for overweight below average pussy is a crime in my mind. (unless that is your fetish...if it is..Eccie and BP must be heaven for ya)
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 12:31 PM
The concept of not overpaying for pussy does not make one cheap in my opinion. Originally Posted by WelpSeeYaLayer
This is NOT about overpaying for pussy its about tipping. And those (non-tippers) that feel they should be treated as equal to the ones tipping well, you're an idiot! Especially in this industry where girls are only around you because you are paying them to be there.

If you have your doubts, walk into any local strip club and watch. It will soon be obvious who the tippers are and who the cheap-skates demanding EOE (equal opportunity entertainment) the ones getting thier own drinks at the bar, the ones passing on dances (sound familiar) just because you have money in your pocket does NOT mean you can afford it whispers BIG difference.
Whispers's Avatar
So then the country club agrees that by tipping certain clients might enjoy a better experience than the rest of the group. And in order to manage complaints and the cry babies, the CC instead asks that tipping NOT be allowed since it might give the BALLERS an unfair advantage at the club, am I wrong?

Whispers, I am not blaming your for being cheap or maybe its NOT by choice but let the ones that want to be generous be. The truth behind your post is that it OUTS you as a cheap-ass, and you know it. Originally Posted by kSoze
Yes you are wrong. But have already learned not waste time trying to convince you....... i watched Homer13 argue with you for weeks to no avail.... You lack the ability to understand basic principles or to grasp concepts. You are far too "literal"....

I've been "out" on these boards for 11 years and within these communities for far longer in regards to the subject of tipping.

Cheap?.... LMAO! I probably sent more on enjoying the company of young pretty ladies in ad out of bed in the last years and crawled between the sheets wit a larger number and variety of ladies in that year than you have or will in the next 3 years.....

Why are those of us that know HOW and WHERE to find value considered to be cheap?

Is the Muli Millionaire client I take care of "CHEAP" because he chooses to drive an imported sedan that is under $20K? Hardly.

those that HAVE tend to know how to spend their money in a manner that gets them the value they seek. It tends to be a major reason WHY THEY HAVE!
Whispers's Avatar
This is NOT about overpaying for pussy its about tipping. And those (non-tippers) that feel they should be treated as equal to the ones tipping well, you're an idiot! Especially in this industry where girls are only around you because you are paying them to be there.

If you have your doubts, walk into any local strip club and watch. It will soon be obvious who the tippers are and who the cheap-skates demanding EOE (equal opportunity entertainment) Originally Posted by kSoze

And at the end of the shift, as well as at times during the night, you tend to see which of the guys the ;ladies are leaving with too!

The tippers and guys getting dance after dance are nursing a bulging crotch going home to mama while some of us are off to have fun!

Hell sonny.... My last wife was a dancer back when we were first dating......... I used to sit in the club the last hour or two if she was working and hold all her money as she hustled the tips.... You would have looked at me then and said I was cheap as I seldom had more than a couple of beers..... But it was my bed she was in when the night was done..... to be totally honest...... The first table dance I got from her was 4 years after we started dating on the night before we got married.... She WAS my bachelor party as we had simply disappeared to Vail for a week to get away from everyone.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 12:50 PM
Is the Muli Millionaire client I take care of "CHEAP" because he chooses to drive an imported sedan that is under $20K? Originally Posted by Whispers
YES! absolutley what is the point of having an abundance if you can't share it with others while having fun? LAME!

to be totally honest...... The first table dance I got from her was 4 years after we started dating on the night before we got married.... She WAS my bachelor party as we had simply disappeared to Vail for a week to get away from everyone. Originally Posted by Whispers
Damn, this defines a whole new level of CHEAPNESS!
As someone who dated a stripper recently, I completely disagree with your assessment. These girls live day to day. They work for the money they need at that moment in time. Once they reach the funds they need for that night/situation, they flock to the people they enjoy being around, not the "tippers". Don't get me wrong, when they need $300 for a new stroller....they love the tippers early in the night...once that need is met...they move on and fuck who they want, not the douchebag in the cheap suit who tipped them an extra 40 bucks.

Hookers are a different breed, but I can't say that I think tipping is essential in the hobby. Repeat business/visits yields a higher level of service in the long run over tipping.

This is NOT about overpaying for pussy its about tipping. And those (non-tippers) that feel they should be treated as equal to the ones tipping well, you're an idiot! Especially in this industry where girls are only around you because you are paying them to be there.

If you have your doubts, walk into any local strip club and watch. It will soon be obvious who the tippers are and who the cheap-skates demanding EOE (equal opportunity entertainment) the ones getting thier own drinks at the bar, the ones passing on dances (sound familiar) just because you have money in your pocket does NOT mean you can afford it whispers BIG difference. Originally Posted by kSoze
Whispers's Avatar
Damn, this defines a whole new level of CHEAPNESS! Originally Posted by kSoze

Just defines that at the end of the night why...

your "tips" will never get you what my personality and overall generosity gets me.....

The shallow ones tend to think they can buy everything if they throw a few bucks more at them

On another note man..... Does your wife feel the same about your generosity and the tips you are giving the hookers you are spending money on? Does she have EVERYTHING she needs and EVERYTHING she wants before you go give that mney away to a lady that won't give you the time of day if you DO NOT PAY HER?

Just curious if your propensity for generosity extends to people more important.
spoken like a 23 year old kid dreaming of his first Ferrari

YES! absolutley what is the point of having an abundance if you can't share it with others while having fun? LAME!

Damn, this defines a whole new level of CHEAPNESS! Originally Posted by kSoze
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 01:05 PM
[QUOTE=Whispers;1051730307"tips " will never get you what my personality and overall generosity gets me...[/QUOTE]

that is too fucking funny! whispers

I have seen you in action and know many of these so called "friends of yours"
What is interesting is what you don't see or hear when you are not around.
Whispers's Avatar
that is too fucking funny! whispers

I have seen you in action and know many of these so called "friends of yours"
What is interesting is what you don't see or hear when you are not around. Originally Posted by kSoze
I'm paying them for what they dor for me when they are with me son....

I have no delusions for whether or not I matter to them outsides of when they need to make a withdrawal.....

Come on man.... Let me know honestly.... Is all the extra testosterone starting to make you rage a bit? Are you warming up? We are looking for a good rolling boil..... Want you to go out with a bang man!.....

Pull a Die Hard and REALLY tell me off.....