Posting for ladies

guest071618-1's Avatar
Ok, let's see where this go..

I learned that there are ladies PM clients and asking them to advertise or post reviews....

Ok here is me and my dick posse's offer...
We will advertise and/or write reviews for you
in exchange, one of us will get 1 hr session for every 3rd review or advertisement...of course number of reviews or advertisement is negotiable by dick posse....

I am sure I will get lots of heat for this and expected...but before blame me, blame ones (providers and clients) that are already in the game...
guest071618-1's Avatar
Oh one more thing.. We will bump your reviews too..
bored@home's Avatar
Still on some type of a crusade huh??
guest071618-1's Avatar
Still on some type of a crusade huh??
Originally Posted by bored@home
Nope, no crusade.. just advertising for me and my dick posse..
well more for others, since I am not in D enough to get benefits.
Please, bump reviews. Good way to get more points
pyramider's Avatar
eng should have posted lincks to examples.
Okay so about your theories and wonderment and all the other bullshit weirdo crap you come up with:


Lemme just say, from my own personal experience (since you asked), I've NEVER initiated the pm exchange with you and have tried my best to keep it as simple as fucking possible.

Even with your NUMEROUS pm phishing expeditions.

But I have to say it in the open since you can't take the many hints I've tried to give you when you pm me. So here goes:

What in THE FUCK is your deal????

Do you not have anything else to do????


Step away from the keyboard and go out fucking side for a walk or two or three or four or more.

You've lost your healthy hobby perspective (if there ever was one). Please STFU and stop trying to analyze this shit to death. You won't get anywhere. Its convoluted on so many levels that it doesn't even matter.

Please. Please. Just stop.

I have really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but there's only so much doubt in a rational thought process.

You're gone with it.


So if you're so worried about the damn pm game then look in the fucking mirror! You play more games than anyone I've come in contact with and I'm a pretty patient mutherfucker.

And so I don't get pointed over your dumbass ramblings, lemme stay on topic and say I've never asked for any reviews (since I started) or review bumps in the open or in private.

Meh to the fucking eh! Who does that shit?

Bitches who know their business run it right. End. Of. Story.
Hercules's Avatar
Do the theorist that tell you this crap also believe JFK was shot from the grassy knoll by a two headed Martian from Area 51?

If you're going to rely solely on this site for your pussy fix I'd suggest you stand down.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Don't know wtf is that abt but guess shit got build up and exploded... oh well there goes one provider I was interested in seeing...

I am sure I pmed you first to align an appointment,, either eccie or p411 (so I initiated). As far as I know, you "pm phishing" as much as I did.. started from when a provider rejected me with weight excuse.. I guess your PMs were more for biz. PMs wouldn't have turned into "phishing", if u didn't replied or I didn't replied.

Yes, these threads and forums are game and enjoyment to me and pretty sure same for many other guys (my guess).
I take most of postings NOT seriously. I may react to attacks but still nothing really serious to me. Just an online forum which I never had experienced until joining eccie.
Only things that are serious to me is when I actually meet the lady, until then it is just online chats and chatters.

Damn, now ur posting is serious and first time hurt my enjoyments.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Do the theorist that tell you this crap also believe JFK was shot from the grassy knoll by a two headed Martian from Area 51?

If you're going to rely solely on this site for your pussy fix I'd suggest you stand down. Originally Posted by Hercules
Theorists tells me JFK got shot by Lee Harvey... just a theory...

Thanks for advice..
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Can we quarantine eng to the sandbox???

Nothing he says here can be taken seriously. He self admittedly says this is a game to him.

Now the only provider to feel sorry enough to see him has said HELL NO

This topic shows what a low life and troll he is
guest071618-1's Avatar
Can we quarantine eng to the sandbox???

Nothing he says here can be taken seriously. He self admittedly says this is a game to him.

Now the only provider to feel sorry enough to see him has said HELL NO

This topic shows what a low life and troll he is Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules make a thread for ur suggestions and don't make new issue to this thread... Didn't you play this game long enough?
THN was my last?? Oh well, I guess my hobby in DFW is over... but still need to be in DFW.. Damn... at least my last hope was one of best in DFW..too bad didn't get see one of best..
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
What you are suggesting is against the rules here.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Can we quarantine eng to the sandbox???

This topic shows what a low life and troll he is Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Why would you want to quarantine low life and troll?

Troll, I maybe since I still don't know the definition..

Low life? How can this topic made me a low life? Isn't my topic going on by your friends and your clients (maybe u)? Like THN said, maybe this is how it should played
"Bitches who know their business run it right. "

Look at yourself on the mirror before calling someone low life.... I know I will never call someone that no matter who they are...I always take people as who they are and they have their own reasons to do what they better than me and no worse than me...shit, if I think like you, I can't meet providers because I will think I am too good for them...same goes for you, are you too good for clients?