Jay Carney Gives Up

I can't remember a time in my life that politics has been this damn hilarious.
Remember the old saying about once you tell a lie. The MSM is ripping some ass now and it's only going to get better

"Exasperated White House Press Secretary Jay Carney today declared, “I give up” in response to questions from ABC News’ Jonathan Karl about whether the White House mislead Americans by claiming they could bypass the problem-plagued HealthCare.gov website and sign up for coverage over the phone."

Hermosa's Avatar
I can't remember a time in my life that politics has been this damn hilarious.
Remember the old saying about once you tell a lie. The MSM is ripping some ass now and it's only going to get better

"Exasperated White House Press Secretary Jay Carney today declared, “I give up” in response to questions from ABC News’ Jonathan Karl about whether the White House mislead Americans by claiming they could bypass the problem-plagued HealthCare.gov website and sign up for coverage over the phone."

http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics...th-law-bypass/ Originally Posted by nwarounder
He has a pretty difficult job. He reminds me of the guy during the gulf war proclaiming how they were decimating the Americans as we were burying them in the trenches they were hiding in. About time the mainstream media finally challenged him.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Whats the over/under on how much longer he will last in his current position?
LexusLover's Avatar
Whats the over/under on how much longer he will last in his current position? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
He will resign, before he gets fired.
He will resign, before he gets fired. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ojarret will appoint him Onotcare zcar when Sebilus gets rotated to her new zcarship...
LexusLover's Avatar
Those guys let their "mouth piece" slot go to their heads and lose sight of the FACT they are nothing more than a parrot for the propaganda machine behind the curtain.

This one looks like someone's grandkid who needed a job.
bambino's Avatar
He reminds me of the pathological liar on SNL. "Yeah, that's the ticket"! LMAO
Supposedly Selebius hasn't been fired because no one will take her job.

I thought Carney was gone a couple of months ago when his stonewalling went comical with his "let me refer you to ...." on many questions. All but the hardcore left of the WHPC has long last respect for him. There's probably no one lining up to take Carney's job either.

The ABC reporter should of asked for metrics on how many people are applying for the insurance via phone calls and how many are successful. He couldn't have given a nonanswer for the first question because of computer 'glitches.'
LexusLover's Avatar
Supposedly Selebius hasn't been fired because no one will take her job.

..... because of computer 'glitches.' Originally Posted by gnadfly
Went to the post office today and wanted to ask if this was where you get help filling out the applications for Obama Care .... they were busy helping with passport applications ....

.. people leaving the country for better insurance coverage?

It was painful to watch. My grass grows faster.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Carney will be working for the "news" media as liar analyst.
Msdnc it is then.
Msdnc it is then. Originally Posted by gnadfly