Considering the CDC

Ducbutter's Avatar
Considering the CDC has basically admitted that they missed on almost everything surrounding the response to Civid, from masks to lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, and more, do you have any regrets as to your own personal response to the pandemic?

I suppose I could say I regret getting the vaccine. I only got it because my daughter was expecting my first grandchild at the time and she was freaking out and wanted me to be vaccinated to be around the baby. Pretty sure I've had Covid anyway. I know my daughter and son in law have.
Not at all. I knew from the beginning the Plandemic was grossly mismanaged. I took what I considered was the right precautions for myself. Which was the opposite of what these wack jobs in Government were saying.
ICU 812's Avatar
And now there is "official" information from CDC on Monkey Pox that is just as doubtful or suspect; spread through skin contact etc.

The unofficial rumor being spread by medicsl professionals on conservative news outlets is that much like AIDS, Monkey Pox is spread through exchange of body fluids. In other words, it is an STD.

Currently, most cases seem to be in the LGBTQ community.

After the pandemic debacle, why would anyone ever believe the CDC on anything ever again?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And now there is "official" information from CDC on Monkey Pox that is just as doubtful or suspect; spread through skin contact etc. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Buttfucking is skin to skin contact, no?
After the pandemic debacle, why would anyone ever believe the CDC on anything ever again?
That assumes anyone believed them in the first place.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2022, 08:23 AM
No regrets, except I wish I’d done more traveling back when prices were low and places were deserted. And I wish I hadn’t banged up my joints by running instead of going to the gym. The gym across the street was closed for months.

I’ve gotten the vaccine and two boosters. I wore a KN95 mask just yesterday while in a crowded indoor setting. I haven’t had COVID to my knowledge. I’ve only had one cold since COVID started. I’d rather get immunity through vaccines instead of through infection with a disease that can cause long term adverse effects on my health. I have friends who months or a year later say their thinking is fuzzy because of the disease.
Refused the jab ( it's not a vaccine)
First line health care worker put in my hours during the pandemic
and still haven't found a new job because of the requirements most hospitals and clinics have for being jabbed. Have had to take early, reduced SS to get by . Less hobby money but, I still eat well.
I stand with all of the nurses, FD ,PD, truckers and others who have risked / lost more then I have in refusing to submit to this crap.
No Regrets !!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Refused the jab ( it's not a vaccine)
First line health care worker put in my hours during the pandemic
and still haven't found a new job because of the requirements most hospitals and clinics have for being jabbed. Have had to take early, reduced SS to get by . Less hobby money but, I still eat well.
I stand with all of the nurses, FD ,PD, truckers and others who have risked / lost more then I have in refusing to submit to this crap.
No Regrets !! Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
If you’re a BSN/MSN look into the freelance companies. My neighbor’s wife is a CRNA doing that and loves it. Higher pay and work when you want.
Refused the jab ( it's not a vaccine)
First line health care worker put in my hours during the pandemic
and still haven't found a new job because of the requirements most hospitals and clinics have for being jabbed. Have had to take early, reduced SS to get by . Less hobby money but, I still eat well.
I stand with all of the nurses, FD ,PD, truckers and others who have risked / lost more then I have in refusing to submit to this crap.
No Regrets !! Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
I am sorry to hear that. I am sure you didn't want to go out that way. As I am sure you know you're not alone. My neighbor and his wife are in the Health Profession they were willing to hang it up too, the Hospital accepted a Religious exemption.
winn dixie's Avatar
fuckin cdc doesnt know the difference between a cough or a sneeze.