Review approvals

When do reviews get approved in the system? Is it a 24 hour turnaround?
corona's Avatar
a mod has to review and approve them.
Grace Preston's Avatar
When do reviews get approved in the system? Is it a 24 hour turnaround? Originally Posted by Sgent30
Mod staff here is 100% volunteer. Which means, there is no guarantee on approval timeline. It happens when it happens.

(Yes, I am also a moderator, but I am not over reviews-- lady mods have no jurisdiction in the coed areas unless its an issue with nuclear board rules).
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Grace is correct.
Allow at least several days, sometimes more. All reviews worldwide go into a que that is worked 1st in 1st processed, and, processed manually.
Grace is correct.
Allow at least several days, sometimes more. All reviews worldwide go into a que that is worked 1st in 1st processed, and, processed manually. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
^This is much needed thank you for the input and knowledge about it’s a global que and not just a city/location approval process.