YouGov's Latest Approval Ratings for Biden Are His Worst Yet

  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2021, 08:15 AM



President Biden’s approval rating has been in decline since May, but has now taken a nosedive in the aftermath of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, which left 13 U.S. service members dead and Americans still trapped in the country in what’s been described as a “hostage” situation. But that’s not the only issue affecting his polling numbers—the rise in Covid-19 cases, more health restrictions, and economic concerns are also factoring in.
According to a YouGov survey that came out on Wednesday, more Americans disapprove of the commander in chief (49 percent) than at any other point in his presidency.
The survey, conducted Sept. 4-7, also found that only 39 percent of American adults approve of his job performance—a staggering 6-point drop in the past week.
“Twice before, during the pullout from Afghanistan, as many people disapproved as approved, but this is the first time in his first-year presidency that Biden’s ratings are negative,” YouGov notes. “The drop in Biden’s approval rating is most severe among Democrats. Around nine in ten of them had approved of Biden’s performance for nearly all of his first year in office. This week, Biden’s approval rating among Democrats dropped nine points to 77% from 86% last week.
This trend is also being seen when Americans are asked how Biden is handling specific issues.
For the first time, a greater share of Americans disapprove (45%) of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic than approve (42%). This week, just 40% approve of the president’s handling of jobs and the economy, while 47% disapprove. In previous weeks, more usually have approved than have disapproved.
Only 16% of American adults now think the economy is improving, while nearly three times as many, 44%, say it is getting worse. Another 27% say the economy is about the same. At the beginning of the Biden presidency, just as great a share of Americans as today said the economy was worsening (44% in the Jan. 30-Feb. 2 poll), but that changed quickly. In May and for part of June, more people said the economy was improving than worsening. No longer. (YouGovAmerica)
The survey found a majority of Americans believe America is headed in the wrong direction.

Biden's Approval Ratings Just Keep Getting Worse Leah Barkoukis
bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I think they moved a decimal point. 4.9% approval is much more believable than 49, given that everything he gets involved in turns to dogshit.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yesterday , Desperate man tying to push his rating up and Marxism at the same time Insane