Biden plan for forced vaccinations doesn't include illegal immigrants

  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2021, 05:48 AM

Biden announced Thursday that all employers with more than 100 employees will be forced to either require their employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 or mandate weekly testing for the virus.
The president also announced that the remaining 17 million healthcare workers employed in facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated. Together, the two groups represent about 100 million Americans.
"We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin," Biden said of the roughly 80 million Americans who have yet to get the shot. "While America is in much better shape than it was seven months ago when I took office, I need to tell you a second fact: We're in a tough stretch and it could last for awhile."
But Biden stopped short of mandating the vaccine for illegal immigrants attempting to cross America's border, even though about 30% of immigrants held at federal detention facilities are refusing to be vaccinated — and they have the option to refuse
Meanwhile, more than 18% of migrant families who recently crossed the border tested positive for COVID before being released by Border Patrol. Another 20% of unaccompanied minors tested positive for the virus.
Biden's new rules for employers with over 100 employees will be issued through the Labor Department, the president said. The president also threatened hefty fines for employers that fail to comply with the mandate.
"We have the tools to combat the virus if we come together to use those tools," Biden said.

Typical DPST marxist hypocrisy - open teh borders to disease -ridden illegals pouring in from honduras and guatemala - gang members, HIV positives, trafficked individuals , smuggling you know whats, etc, etc, and etc,

No plans to give medical care - just let the illegals infect the rest of teh nation. and while the feds claim jurisdiction over immigration - they abdicate the consequences of their open borders to the states most affected - Texas and florida - as punishment for now kow-towing to Comrade Xi - as does teh fiden criminal cabal.

DPST marxists have declared War on American Peoples with their open borders and importing illegals, diseases, and criminals into America.

they are seditionist marxists - every One

and all have blood on their hands from the Afghanistan debacle !!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Only coyotes who bring more than 100 indigent, illiterate illegals to sponge off the US taxpayer at a time will be subject to the new decree.
bambino's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ Yup Can we say UN-Constitutional ,,, Using OHSA as a "workaround" People need to wake up to the new Marxist dictatorship Where are all the news and peeps screaming Tyrant ( look at Big T they claimed he was a dictator )
Off the top of my head violation of 1 ad (religion ) 6 ad (Fines informed of crime choice is not a crime)
8ad fines (imposed, excessive for nothing?)
I said yesterday first covid then guns cars a/c heat all a matter of your health
Oh and p.s "I don't care about freedom Hmm , and 18 months into and now this we're almost over
And the timing right before 9/11
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