Pussy letters

I am often asked what kind of emails I enjoy receiving ..or how not to end up in my spam, and here I share with you a letter ...I would approve of...

"On the sexual side, I am looking for a female who really enjoys receiving lots of devoted oral, someone who would be my friend for the long-term. I am not interested in a one-night-stand, or short-term friendship. But I do need a female who is crazy about receiving oral and wants it all the time.

I want to know a woman who will always depend on me to satisfy her oral needs. I want to be her most devoted oral sex provider, always on call and always be there for her. Hopefully she will be multi-orgasmic, because I enjoy going down immensely and like to do it at every opportunity and practically endlessly. Pleasing a woman in this way fills me with joy and helps make me feel valued. I don't even need reciprocation, but won't refuse it.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy eating a woman to orgasm, over-and-over again. I like doing this as many times as a woman needs it during the course of a few hours, an evening, or an entire day. I hope that you crave receiving oral as much as I adore giving it. I am not afraid to admit it: When it comes to sex, I simply cherish kissing, licking, sucking on, and eating a woman's wet pussy.

On the sex part, if you are not looking for a long-term sexual friendship like this. me serving you orally and going down on you often,please pass me by. I need a woman who is constantly horny and feels the same way I do, someone who craves receiving oral and can never get enough.

I am a good person, concerned about my neighbors' welfare and the plight of mankind. I am a social liberal, so we probably would not get along well if you are a hard-core conservative or republican.

I am SWM, 6' 3", 200 pounds, hwp, 53, handsome and clean-cut. In my spare time, I do a lot of reading and writing. I am also a spiritual person, but not religious. I like the outdoors and take two hour walks quite often. I also enjoy cooking. But, it's not easy to meet a woman in daily life who enjoys receiving oral as a major sexual activity, and craves receiving as much as I crave giving.

There are many women, it turns out, who do not. That's why I am emphasizing the oral so much. We all have the things that turn us on the most, and this is what does it for me.

I just want to be a good friend and orally service a woman freind. I live alone and work from home, so I can be available to you practically any time. Should we become friends, whenever you need me to go down, I would be there for you.

If you are a pillow queen that would be nice. You can just sit or lay back and relax, and let me do it until you cum as often as you can and you are completely satisfied. I will never say no, or get tired of doing it. I will treat your kitty like the lovely treasure it is, like a golden treasure!
If you are dominant by nature that would be good too. You can be the boss: encourage and instruct me in play, and place me in your complete oral servitude, make me your very obedient oral servant.

I would always be ready and delighted to please you in this way, and in every position and circumstance, you may need to have really good orgasms, as many as you desire.

But please let me assure you, I am real, very serious, and extremely sincere, and I really do need a female friend who enjoys receiving oral beyond all else. I can and will eat you lovingly into complete oblivion every time you desire. If we become friends, I will never let you down. Not ever. I can never get enough of serving an excitable woman in this way.

Just imagine having a friend who understands your sexual needs who you could always depend on. That is what I want too.

Please know that I am also quite open to any special kink or sexual desire you might want to experience and have fulfilled. If you have an experience you want to live again, or a secret scene in your mind that really makes you hot, just tell me and I will do everything I can to help make it real for you. With few exceptions, it really doesn't matter what it is.

As long as we are friends and it makes you hot. Basically, I just want to please and feel valued, and I will want to please you and help you cum wonderfully, beautifully, just really, really good when we are together."

On the other hand... if I ever (extremely rare) receive a note that sounds like a solicitation for a street urchin ..."I need a bj" it immediately ends up in spam.

Not because I don't enjoy pleasuring a male's testicles ...I do, if it's my desire...

But, imagine I'm sitting at a cocktail bar, I turn to you and say.. wanna go upstairs to my room to lick me? ...most likely, I would get an astounding yes... while a man does the same thing... wanna go upstairs and suck me... I would smack him hard with my purse, dump his drink on him, possibly call the cops, etc ..

You see where I'm going with this. Sigh. Standards in society

*downs my bourbon*
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So you're looking for a ATM doormat of a client that will pay to satisfy your every sexual need even if you are a dead fish fuck(not saying you are a dead fish fuck). That will never ask for something that would satisfy him. As he should be that ATM and sexual doormat for you.

I have a idea for you that may be a easier find.
Look for a client that is rich, and a watcher rather than a fucker. Then marry him. One that will not care who all you have sex with, as long as he can watch when he wants. All he is looking for is arm candy, not sex with you. A guy that will raise as his own if you ever want a bun in the oven. Even if he had to paid a stud of you're picking ta knock you up.
universalenergy's Avatar
If someone said something you didnt like and you smacked them.
I would not call the police because you are the one who just committed
assault and is going to jail. You clearly have some issues. After reading some
of your postings you may have multiple issues.
You have mentioned about stalking an ex fiancé and assaulting people.
You run others down as if you are better than most and it appears
that you think you are above the rule of law.
chicagoboy's Avatar
You run others down as if you are better than most and it appears that you think you are above the rule of law. Originally Posted by universalenergy
Hey, Zabrina is among the 'elite', and don't you forget it!
pyramider's Avatar
Until she posts taint photos she is anything but elite.
bojulay's Avatar
Email translation.

Dude has a small wanger.
universalenergy's Avatar
Hey, Zabrina is among the 'elite', and don't you forget it! Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Yea Right in you's guy's dreams. Elite? Maybe we can call it ChicagoGirl?
Email translation.

Dude has a small wanger. Originally Posted by bojulay

BINGO!!! exactly what I was thinking.... small dicked dudes have to rely on DATY way to much...