The Bad and the worse

I debated with myself for some time now about even writing this post because I am sure it will not make a different.

I started the hobby a few years ago thinking it would be fun but it has been far from that. All I have gotten over the years is pain and aggravation. Even today, I tried to make peace with a person who is telling lies about me to the only friend I had left in the hobby just to hurt her. Well, you won. I give up.

I have never done anything bad to any provider. What I have done is been a gentleman all the time (like my momma taught me), I help multiple providers with cellphone bills, hotel bills, car notes, rent etc...All without expecting anything in return. I have picked up people who were stranded, and chased off stalkers. I have install security camera and fixed broken doors. Never looking for anything in return. What did I get in return, money stolen from me, my first ECCIE account hacked. A crazy stalker. My current account HACKED in fact ECCIE was the one who told me it was hack so I am not sure why they banned me for having multiple account when they are the ones who told me that my ID was being used in OHIO... Note fella, don't give anyone your old computer. Even if you wipe it, your internet history has your passwords to include your paypal.

I have left the hobby and I was hoping to stay friends with just two ladies whom I thought were actually my friends. Well, they believe the liars over me so I am done with everyone.

Guys and Ladies, I still am hoping that there are some good people in this hobby but I may be wrong. Regardless I am done. I am just writing this because I want to hopefully help somebody on my way out.

Everyone this is suppose to be FUN and a business. NOT part two of a bad High School movie.

Last tip for new fellas, don't trust anyone with your information. Never pay in advance or even a deposit (been robbed every time. every time). There are people who will pass out your personal information so never give it to anyone, and do your research on ladies. There are ladies with multiple old handles who are completely insane. I am not sure I can mention them by name but the worse has had a handle referencing a cold place in Russia on this site and the galaxy on another. I messed up and met her using yet a different name on yet another site and I didn't know it was her. Stay away from so called legends who had to change their name. True legends don't have to and wouldn't. She like to spread your personal information and rumors which is why they also had to get man handles and change their lady handles.

Please forgive me for being negative and of any spelling errors. It is late and I am pissed because I hate losing my best friend who is a truly a Legend in this industry but is tired of messy people who still are saying lies about me and I am out of this shit.
So, good bye everyone. I do truly hope this site becomes fun like it was meant to be. You ladies have the power to really help some of us who are in high stress job fields but so far in general, many of you have falling short.

Lastly, ECCIE please look at your email records before banning someone for having multiple accounts. You were the one who told me I had been hacked, and I thank you for that. I had already had $700 stolen from my paypal and didn't know it. If I hadn't went in to change my password I never would have known. But once again, just a little research. Messy people used the fact that I was banned as a weapon against me telling people I was trouble.

Good bye everyone, Happy New year.. etc.

Staff has never told anyone their account was hacked. Accounts don't get hacked, members give access to their accounts to other people and when we catch them they say. 'My account has been hacked"

Members are responsible for their accounts on this platform.

You have been banned multiple times over the years for creating and using multiple profiles

Your personal/computer issues has nothing to do with the board rules you agreed to follow when you joined, and our enforcement of those rules when you took it upon yourself to violate them.

That is bullshit. I was only ban this past December and I will find the email where ECCIE sent me stating that my account had multiple attempts from a different IP out of Ohio
Never mind. I just notice that you are friends with the person who is passing lies about me so defending myself with a bias moderator is a waste. But I do have the email from August 2019 from ECCIE and the emails from the moderator and the person from Houston who was above moderators (I forgot what they were called) about the multiple problems I had from a former stalker and this past situation.

This site a waste of time so please just close it. Like I said evil people have taken over anyway so I am retired from all this shit.

Close my account please
Well, first of all I'm sorry for what you've gone through. I'm sitting here wondering how I can best avoid issues like yours, so thank you for bringing it up. There is one thing I would ask you to do before you close your account if you haven't already.

I understand why you don't want to name the ladies who caused you these problems, but you now have to assume people will see your reviews and have to make their own conclusions about who to avoid, which could hurt some good ladies who haven't wronged anyone. So you might want to reveal if any of the ladies you have reviewed do NOT deserve to be blacklisted.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-08-2021, 09:45 PM
The ONLY thing I know about Irishman, is that I remember him being thought of rather fondly by a number of different females, here, back in the past.

Its a shame, that Shit Happens... but Forrest tried to tell us, years ago!