Food for thought

If I made $3,000 per month but was spending $4,000 per month (using credit from the “Mob” who charge interest) – that would be called “irresponsible”. If instead of cutting expenses I started to spend $4,200 per month after a DECADE of that type of deficit spending that would be “Self Destructive”. I would then get a call from the “Mob” saying “We’re about to cut you off completely because you’re spending has reached a point where you can barely pay the interest only”.

So I go home to the wife and say “Hunny we gotta cut expenses!”. So we debate about cutting expenses. My idea is to cut only $36 per month, her idea is to cut $72 per month – and it took us months to get to this negotiation point. And we almost divorced deciding on what to cut. In the end we decided to only spend $4,150 per month on a monthly income of $3,000. We’re so proud of our new “Insane” budget and we run to the “Mob” to explain our new “spending plan”. The Mobsters tell me “You’re Insane – You’re cut off”.

Now what are we left to do!!?? The wife and I refuse to cut spending even if we don’t have the cash to do it!! The solution: print counterfeit money!! We then start printing money on our computer and inkjet printer to pay back our debts and continue to spend like there’s no tomorrow. But when the Mobsters find out we’re paying them with fake money, they come after us to break our legs.

This is the EXACT spending situation we are in right now. I’d be the Democrat party of the household, the Wife would be the Republican Party and the “Mob” is china. (The counterfeit money machine is the Federal Reserve)

The Government is overspending by over a trillion dollars a year than what it generates. Yet the Dems are fighting to only cut 33 billion where the Republicans only want to cut 60 billion. Both of their spending cut offers are crazy. The Federal reserve is just printing money in the background.

If YOUR household was spending $1,200 per month more than it took in – what would happen if you “compromised” and decided to overspend by $1,150 per month? You’d be out on the street, that’s what would happen!! And if you started printing counterfeit money you’d end up in jail or with your legs broken.

We have come to a one party system in the United States. The “Republican-Democrat” party. They both have demonstrated that they will spend money they don’t have and drive us towards bankruptcy. then they'll just print monopoly money which creates hyper-inflation and is really theft from the lenders. The problem isn’t republican vs. democrat. It’s big government. We need leaders who will abide by the constitution, shrink government to provide the defense, policing and justice systems – then get out of the way of the American people and out of the American peoples pockets. The American people will then fix the economy – not the government.