
Is Jocelyn still around? Anyone have a good contact number?
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I have tried but no response for quite a while
I havent heard from her in over 2 years when I tried to reconnect and see her again
Her website appears to be inactive....
She logged into her p4 account yesterday ��♂️

Showed her as active this last week.
It's weird. She still logs onto her tryst account and P411 from time to time, but her website hasn't been touched in years along with her social media accounts. Sounds like nobody who has tried to contact her has heard back so not sure what's going on.
I’m guessing her incredible DT talent has enabled her to develop a steady and reliable base of regular clients that keep her as busy as she wants to be.

And those clients are a select bunch of lucky sumbitches.
Quite disappointed when I didn’t make the cut. I had seen her a few times and then a couple of miscommunications got me into her bad graces.

C’est la vie. I hope she’s doing well.