Those voices don't speak for the rest of us..

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar

Or do they?

We'll probably soon find out.
blowpop's Avatar
Kinda embarrassing. I'm a huge Ronald Reagan fan, but he spoke without the perspective offered by the economic collapse caused by the policies that he (and I, and many others) supported.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Kinda embarrassing. I'm a huge Ronald Reagan fan, but he spoke without the perspective offered by the economic collapse caused by the policies that he (and I, and many others) supported. Originally Posted by blowpop
You're flat wrong about that. The anti-Reagan counter-revolutionary policies, including (among other craziness) liars' loans and near-exponential enlargement of government regulation regime (compare Federal Registers then, and now) kicked the legs from beneath the economy, then the looming dome of uncertainty of Obamanomics delivered headkicks.

Gov. Christie has brought Reagan principles back to the failed state of New Jersey. Watch and learn as the New Jersey economy recovers.
boardman's Avatar
Great video!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Watch and learn as the New Jersey economy recovers. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Watch and listen at who is whining the loudest in New Jersey, also.

Weaning is necessary, but noisy.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Great video!!!! Originally Posted by boardman

A BIG +1 on that on sir!!

blowpop's Avatar
You're flat wrong about that. The anti-Reagan counter-revolutionary policies, including (among other craziness) liars' loans and near-exponential enlargement of government regulation regime (compare Federal Registers then, and now) kicked the legs from beneath the economy, then the looming dome of uncertainty of Obamanomics delivered headkicks.

Gov. Christie has brought Reagan principles back to the failed state of New Jersey. Watch and learn as the New Jersey economy recovers. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
So you think that the whole lack of government regulation on the lending industry had nothing to do with the mess we're in?

I used to believe the same thing. But I stopped drinking the partisan kool-aid, and started thinking for myself. Neither side of the aisle has a lock on wisdom or good policy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Neither side of the aisle has a lock on wisdom or good policy. Originally Posted by blowpop
Just those in the aisle.

There was "regulation" in the 70-80's resulting in the S&L collapse, which caused other institutional lenders to go down when real estate values tanked and borrowers were unable to stop foreclosures by moving loans or paying them down to the REGULATORS' demands.

To pretend that Federal/State regulation prevents bank failures and defaulted loans ....

...... is to pretend that a posted speed limit stops collisions.

It is people who cause fanancial problems, not regulations or the lack thereof. The liberal minded pretends that people do not know any better, so more regulation will "control" them. While the conservative pretends that people know better and need less "direction" in their affairs.
wallstreet's Avatar

To pretend that Federal/State regulation prevents bank failures and defaulted loans ....

...... is to pretend that a posted speed limit stops collisions.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
changes in speed limits are directly correlated with auto fatalities.
dearhunter's Avatar
Get rid of the cars and no one can die in that regulation enough for you?
wallstreet's Avatar
Get rid of the cars and no one can die in that regulation enough for you? Originally Posted by dearhunter
slight oversimplification of the point.
dearhunter's Avatar
slight oversimplification of the point. Originally Posted by wallstreet
But, still the point.
boardman's Avatar
That would solve the fuel shortage problem thus eliminating the need to turn crops into ethanol thus eliminating the food shortage problem.
dearhunter you are a fucking prophet!
blowpop's Avatar
It is people who cause fanancial problems, not regulations or the lack thereof. The liberal minded pretends that people do not know any better, so more regulation will "control" them. While the conservative pretends that people know better and need less "direction" in their affairs. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't think "knowing better" is the issue at all. I think it's the motivation for profit, which is what drives our entire capitalistic system. A good corporate executive is most concerned with maximizing return for his shareholders. Unfortunately, practices that lead to this are often at odds with the public interest.

It's not a corporate executive's job to protect the public interest. But it is the job of our lawmakers.

Can they get carried away? Obviously. But they can also be too lax in their oversight, and the result is great harm to our economy, including businesses growing so large that our entire economy is at risk if they fail. Then we are backed into the bailout corner, having taxpayers pay for the foolish risks, even though the taxpayers weren't in line to reap the rewards had things gone better.
LexusLover's Avatar
changes in speed limits are directly correlated with auto fatalities. Originally Posted by wallstreet
If true, so? Is that how it works? If you cannot address the variables ...

... just change the subject and the variables.

I said NOTHING about "fatalities" .... I said "collisions" and ...
