" Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves. "


A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:
  • React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
  • Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
  • Have excessive feelings of self-importance
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
  • Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
  • Need constant attention and admiration
  • Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy
  • Have obsessive self-interest
  • Pursue mainly selfish goals
You be the judge..................
hands whirly another "s"

old joke:

how cold was it?

it was so cold superman froze his "s" off
Probably not as much as President Clinton, but yes, President Obama exibits quite a number of the identifying traits.

But then, all of us do to a certain extent. I am not that concerned with his Narcissis tendancys, I am more concerned about is being a Race Baiting, Class Warfare Mongering, Lying Sack of Shit.
A new study is out that links a low IQ, with conservative thought(oxymoronic) and it creates prejudice.

Sounds about right based on what I have seen and heard.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-26-2012, 01:49 PM
hard to blame anyone (republican or dem) for being thin skined when it comes to talking to Brewer after she was caught in so many lies.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A new study is out that links a low IQ, with conservative thought(oxymoronic) and it creates prejudice.

Sounds about right based on what I have seen and heard. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
I think there is a study out that says people who believe liberal studies are incapable of independent thought.

Oh, CJ, what lies has Brewer told?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-26-2012, 02:35 PM
Oh, CJ, what lies has Brewer told?

or her father/nazi bs.

you decide COG.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, CJ. I hadn't seen that. I'm not convinced she's a liar, but she is an idiot. Still, I appreciate her stand against the federal government on the border.

But that was a typical politician video. Very funny!
hard to blame anyone (republican or dem) for being thin skined when it comes to talking to Brewer after she was caught in so many lies. Originally Posted by CJ7
So glad Obama always tells the truth.
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  • CJ7
  • 01-26-2012, 03:56 PM
hell, to be president requires a narcissistic personality disorder.

whats your excuse Robin?