Do you find fetish-milf attractive.

tatasddd's Avatar
Do you find that half-woman, half-man Fetish Milf from TOS attractive? I personally have never seen her but just by looking at her pictures I feel nothing but sheer disgust. This probably is because I do not like beefcakes to begin with and think they look ridiculous, let alone a woman with similar looks. Fucking nasty.
  • BSer
  • 08-10-2014, 08:01 PM
I use to jerk off to the female American Gladiators
tatasddd's Avatar
I jerk off to my avatar regularly. So hot , have many pics of her. I try not to think of fetish milf while doing so as I get a soft-on picturing her as commando jacking me off lol, Fucking disgust!!!!
eaglehorse's Avatar
Oh tits she is all female, just love the tone that she has. You just have to take the bus to Bridgeville to see her. Saw her pound some iron at LA fitness. The reason you are slandering this young lady, cause she will snap your little skinny ass in two. Then put a kumquat up your ass!
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
Some guys are into that. Both the beefcakes and the kumquats...
BluMax's Avatar
I feel nothing but sheer disgust. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Max knows disgust and I assure you that is not it.
tatasddd's Avatar
I don't know about you guys but to me a woman is supposed to be gentle creature. Something to make passionate love to. something beautiful, attractive, charming. If you want to fuck a bodybuilder either turn gay and go to the gyms or call Fetish Milf. she is best at the bodybuilder fetish.
I'm guessing she turned you down.

Like the others you keep bashing.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Sexy, right on,