Review: Nichole Revisited

Date: 12-17-14
Provider: Nichole Jones
Phone: *Removed by staff*
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: CL
City: Rideland
State: Mississippi
Address: Ridgeland Hotel
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: BBBJ, CG, Reverse CH, K9, DFK
Session Length: 1 Hr
Fee: $200
Hair Length and Color: Blonde w Highlights, Long
Age: 29
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5'-4", 135 lbs, 36C Naturals
Recommendation: Yes
Is she the one on backpage, if not where did you find her on Craigslist
Got a link?
Alert. I texted this number, and she says this info was placed on this site without her authorization and that she's not "in any way involved in that." Mods, if consistent with the terms of service, it would be nice if this review was removed and this account be flagged, but I'm not sure whether you'll do that.

In any event, fellow eccie users should definitely view this review as at minimum impermissible and at maximum fraudulent. I am of course aware of the theoretical possibility that the person at this number is not being truthful, either. No way to know. Thanks