Wine and Liquor. Any Advice?

Hey everyone!

I am not sure if this is appropriate or the right forum for this, but I was wondering if it is in good taste to offer alcoholic beverages with certain encounters? If so, then what type of wines, champagnes, or liquors should I have stocked? I'm not quite familiar with what gentlemen prefer and I haven't ventured much in the alcoholic department myself, so I was hoping on a little insight. I don't want to get something, and then get judge poorly by what I offered.

Thanks in advanced!

RedLeg505's Avatar
I often bring a bottle of wine, red or white at the ladies preference for us to enjoy "during the intermission" stages. One safety requirement. Leave the bottle sealed until you are both there and then open it in front of both parties.

I had one provider that preferred vodka and cranberry, so I'd bring a little metal flask with vodka and a couple small bottles of Cranberry Juice Cocktail to mix the drinks there during the appointment.
I normally have a reasonable scotch like Oban 14, red and white wine, and a couple options for mixed drinks.

I like my wine rather dry but it is a good idea to offer both a dry red and a semi-dry white. I would stay away from offering muscato or anything overly sweet. Most guys with a sweet tooth would rather have a Jack and Coke or other highball to begin with. You don't have to spend a fortune for good bottles. Trust the wine guys at the liquor store or specialty groceries and be honest with them on what you want to spend.

For liquor it depends on how you offer it. If you are making them a cocktail mid-tier is perfectly fine since mixers tend to overpower the flavor differences between mid and top shelf to begin with. If you are offering your drinks "straight up" or with minimal mixer like a classic martini you must invest in better alcohol.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What Angel said.
Also consider asking the guy during screening what he likes to drink.
Perhaps over time you can expand what you have in your private bar.
For myself, there's usually a few diff bottles of scotch on hand.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
If you have a private incall, a stocked bar and fridge with bar staples is a cut above the rest. Look up and talk to the provider FancyinHeels for some staple suggestions to cross palette preferences.

If you DON'T have a private in-call, let the gentleman bring something for you to share if he's interested in it.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Also consider asking the guy during screening what he likes to drink. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Seductive, also keep in mind that you're in the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum OP. That's a disclaimer for this:

If you ask me what I like to drink during screening, I'm going to be impressed that you want to cater to my specific tastes, and that you're working to set up the GFE in advance - then I'll go through my favorite wines and liquor, which range from $30 for the absolutely cheapest bottle of what I drink as my "fall back" when I'm drinking to get drunk, all the way through $700 per bottle, which is what I use to commemorate special occasions, with most being in the $60-120 range.

If you *do* ask a gentleman what he likes to drink, and then provide something different or inferior, you're going to paint yourself in a poor light - unless you inquire, get an answer, then follow up with "Goodness, I did my research into that, and tasting it before I die is on my bucket list." Then you're inviting your gentleman caller to bring a bottle of it, and expressing your interest in sharing your gentleman's interest.

Just tread carefully.
Madame X's Avatar
There's no accounting for taste. I generally just ask.

I will concur with what TravelingGentleman has said, though - Don't get too specific. If a man says he prefers wine of a certain color, I'll dig something nice out of my cellar. If he says he prefers cognac, I will pull an appropriate selection out of the cabinet. If he says he likes rum, then I will impress him with my best. If he says he likes scotch, then I'll ask him to stop by the liquor store, lol.

My point here is that other than showing the hospitality of offering him a beverage of his general choice, your liquor cabinet should be just as much about what *you* like. You may find that you two have common ground, which is always a good building block for excellent chemistry. If you're just trying to be a shell of a person and chameleon your way onto everyone's good side... not only will you find yourself ineffective at earning anyone's true admiration, you'll also find yourself missing out on the wonderful opportunity this lifestyle presents ladies like us - a chance to learn what we *really* like, and refine our tastes without financial concern.

I'm not a lush by a long shot (I rarely drink when I'm not entertaining) but I am an avid alcohol collector and am well equipped with an educated tongue. Wine isn't my expertise but I know it well, cognac is my specialty, and being West Indian I have a fierce cultural pride about my rum! I've recently learned to judge tequila since that's pretty simple, and you fine men are slowly getting me up to speed with scotch

If you don't drink, just say so. Offer a nice selection of infused spa waters and juices and ask him to bring along an adult beverage he feels would suit the occasion. In my experience most men do that unprompted anyway.

~Mme X~
I love my wine like I love my ladies, sweet!!!! I love Moscato and in liquor, I am partial to Evan Williams black, Larceny... I usually ask or wait till I know what a lady likes before I bring a bottle to a session.
I do have wines stocked, water, coffee or tea. But it is harder to know which gents on eccie prefer for beverage as it is easier on P411 profiles.

I think Moscato is good for little sweet, Chaeteau Ste Michelle Rieslings are my favorite if you like it a little dry. I'm not a fan of the red but you can carry something like Bordeoux, Chiraz, etc.

I found that evening meeting longer session is best to offer beverage as the time is not rush. Most day time visits are pretty much bottle of water or soft drinks are best for the summer heat!

Good luck and great idea!
Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all comments and future advice. =^)
plainjoe's Avatar
With my ATF, I usually bring a bottle of scotch (which we both like) and enjoy each other's company and the scotch. As others have stated, I too do my research on a lady's profile and try to get what she likes. It's a bit harder when traveling, but I make do.
Traveling Gent and Mme X are spot on in their responses. Doing research (which includes reading their comments), one would get a better idea of what, if anything ladies prefer.
Do be careful...and enjoy
Madame X's Avatar
I love my wine like I love my ladies, sweet!!!! I love Moscato and in liquor, I am partial to Evan Williams black, Larceny... Originally Posted by repete offender
Interesting... I recall reading an essay by LaVey way back when, and his theory was that a man's literal tastes will correlate to his sexual tastes. He supposed that the most traditionally masculine (in terms of societal gender roles) and dominant men would prefer the sweetest and most accessible wines - Moscato being a prime example - and therefore would prefer their women the same way.

~Mme X~
Madame X - your post articulates a theory I've had about wine and food for many years. The level of appreciation and knowledge of food usually equates to the level of sexual sophistication BCD.
boomvang's Avatar
Seductiveaddiction thanks. I love threads like this. It gives us a glimpse into what the other anonymous members enjoy besides the obvious reason we are all here.

My $.02 this has been a passion of mine almost as long as the obvious reason we are here. I’ve read, talked, taken classes, eaten and drank for 30 plus years I enjoy ii so much. I’ve met a few people that truly are masters at one aspect or another. The message I came away with is sophistication does not a snob make.

I took a class once from regional bad ass on sensory evaluation of wine. His first hand out was his philosophy on wine. I don’t remember them all, but a couple of his points were. The right wine for any occasion is the wine you have. It’s more important to have enough wine than it is to have the correct wine. Don’t let anything become so complex it’s not fun. He has a PhD, but he obviously enjoyed what he did.

If I came to your in call whatever you had to offer is plenty gracious for me. There have been a couple of things said in this thread I could not disagree with more, Since there isn’t actually any right or wrong why argue about it. I was for a long time the go to guy in my little circle when someone wanted to know something, If someone said that they loved some swill I just say, If you like it then that’s what you should drink. Except for white zinfandel lovers. Come on people that’s just fucking wrong. LOL.

I’m a manly man and I love the wines from the Rhone. I have a serious grudge against Bordeaux and Burgundy does make the most beautiful wines on the planet in my opinion, but they can kiss my ass. I’m spending that kind of money on anything I can’t ride in or on. Mostly I drink Sav. Blanc. I have come out of the closet and fully admit I have moved over the wines of Marlboro in New Zealand. That’s blasphemy to the lovers of Sancerre from the Loire. Somepne is reading this and cringing I know it
If you’re serving West Texas style beans and cornbread I suggest an old vine zin. Don’t make me say Red Zin.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I would get airplane bottles and open them in front of them for scotch etc..