songs about selling your soul to the devil...+1st Sell Your Soul to the Devil

Sell Your Soul to the Devil - The Music Industry and Illuminati Symbolism Everywhere

Sell Your Soul to the Devil
Songs about selling soul to devil ...+1st Sell Your Soul to the Devil

a COMMENT Sabrina sofia is sharing noted 7-31-2015 10:30pm YvarMusic 2 years ago in reply to Aurora Hernandez
Illuminati is a joke, made up by atheists just to scare the crap out of religious people. There is just one sick mind controlling society and that is religion. Its wrong, and should be banned. In the bible is written that Adam and Eve had children. How did those
children get children?. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers, that is some sick story mate. And that is just the tip of the iceberg in the crazy book of yours

Adam an EVE i mean adam an IVY i mean adam and ece ) adam an his sister...had children. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers,... i remember when i tasted the drops from my brother like queen of the damed an it as delicious an tasty my mouyj waters everytime i think back about him squirting in my mouth , my blood brother of course .not a full course yet a TASTE ...ASE...SSss send sase to pobox 1084 Skiatook Oklahoma 74070 to Mss for more story details or stories include large envelope donation if desired a GIFT will be mailed back ...SSSsss anaconda is a snake had children. How did those
children get children?. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers, that is some sick story mate. And that is just the tip of the iceberg in the crazy book of yours

a COMMENT Sabrina sofia is sharing noted 7-31-2015 10:30pm YvarMusic 2 years ago in reply to Aurora Hernandez
Illuminati is a joke, made up by atheists just to scare the crap out of religious people. There is just one sick mind controlling society and that is religion. Its wrong, and should be banned. In the bible is written that Adam and Eve had children. How did those children get children?. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers, that is some sick story mate. And that is just the tip of the iceberg in the crazy book of yours
Adam an EVE i mean adam an IVY i mean adam and ece ) adam an his sister...had children. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers,... i remember when i tasted the drops from my brother like queen of the damed an it as delicious an tasty my mouth waters everytime i think back about him squirting in my mouth , my blood brother of course .not a full course meal drink yet a TASTE ...ASE..the most delicious
IVE ever tasted an his eyes of couse we come from the brahms like brahm stoker Dracula right? .... yet bramms not brahms , we had sex couple times after ii was of age an other b4 yet i belive that's a forbidden topic to speak of here on eccie site rules i have 2 hairs males those r forbidden TOPIC as well to mention as the "ch" words yet nice stories if u enjoy reading , i don't know how long i have 2 live an love to share if you can COVER the postage an any small to large amount for my time, thanks its a memory im taking to my grave npt any sooner day sooner than i hope I hope never yet i don't want to die ever yet just saying sometimes gods devils what will u call the higher people who gives uslife is EC its your choice your CHOI ce an gods turn there backs on there gods when people change religions an or don't please them like the Egyptian gods an Christian gods who said no other gods he jealous an just like gos who turn there backs an take people out of world animals do to and people turn there backs on there own kinds like wolves an kill the other alfa or memebers because they stray kinda like being in a cult or
gang that may be a forbidden topic as well, an well .... id like to live but i don't have a fee and im poor an cant afford my surgeries an i so wanted love and good food to be saved heal an you know the story don't u or if u want to hear mail me, if im alive an i hope that i am for a very very long time even if my family has disowned me for so long taking away my hair.SSss send sase to pobox 1084 Skiatook Oklahoma 74070 to Mss for more story details or stories include large envelope donation if desired a GIFT will be mailed back ...SSSsss anaconda is a snake had children. How did those
children get children?. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers, that is some sick story mate. And that is just the tip of the iceberg in the crazy book of yours

a COMMENT Sabrina sofia is sharing noted 7-31-2015 10:30pm YvarMusic 2 years ago in reply to Aurora Hernandez
Illuminati is a joke, made up by atheists just to scare the crap out of religious people. There is just one sick mind controlling society and that is religion. Its wrong, and should be banned. In the bible is written that Adam and Eve had children. How did those children get children?. The only way was to get fucked by there brothers, that is some sick story mate. And that is just the tip of the iceberg in the crazy book of yours
fuck you pay me
EXPOSED: Satanism in the Music Industry (Part 2) Illuminati, NWO, 666
music by Elton john rhyms with li melton sadawn p
Elton lke melton pussy skin/flesh thin to bone
like o an bone on a toilet seat or a john as people
refer to it .
tiny dancer like dancers on stage like tape worms
dancing in bodys flutering around like fluke worms
and the pole like a penis an cum cums out an worms
how would u kill parasites an tiny dancers? HOW?
an if brain was damaged from parasites an worms
is it easy to rebuild heal brain an human brain?
like tiny dancer in my head instaed of tiny
dancer in my hand like worm in the head
representing the 0 in back a pussy or head
like a vagina and a penis representing the worm
an the goat head an symbal on head ,
yet what else does it stand for?

im hurt to feel how thin the skin is below where my uterus an vagina and my eyes which are thining an aging sagging bags under eyes, i need cash for treatments, (ive considered plastic sex change surgery if IF i got the money over $10,000 im sure) ishow can a loving god give me a anatomy like a turkey i feel like a turkey an can feel the bone now do i want to stick meat on rub prick which is meat muscle isn't it on y boney plate of a vagina which feels like a eyehole ? sometimes yet hardly often as i use to i read menopause makes skin thin as well as other factors, i do yearn other sexual desires yet that is besides the point why should we ever have to die why must we age?

id raher have been a male with a penis i think yet haven't thought long an hard yet i feel im in hell often an have thought having a boney vagina can be hell an perhaps i should only suck cock if i have any sex or become anal yet maybe if i have a sex change it coul cover this boney area i sure don't want anyone to pick it an if i had a tiny dancer in there or my head id want to kill it for sure ....

id meantion the leeches yet that may be a FORBIDDEN TOPIC is it?
an is the pics of ladies with leeches forbidden too?

im tired theres a dog here haulin an carryin on at lake perhaps he is havin tooyh ache its botherin me a lot another eveilness dogs made to suffer they have no shoes to wear on feet an have fleas.... a tick i mean who made ticks an fleas? that's kindaevil isn't it? what wa that purpose is there other planets with ticks an fleas on them?
whats to happen to us in afterlife here if gods don't love us now just because u have money now wht gayurantees gods will love you later an not turn u intoa adog or cat with fleas......... goodnight i feel bad for boney ladys an peoplelike me who don't know if there going to live forever die an go to hell reincarnated i just dontfe loved at all an don't think ive truly ever made love an not even a god loves me like the dog i feel bad im alone but i have eccie, goodnight eccie an to all a goodnight.... merry eccie not merry Christmas ...merry eccie an to all a goodnight

O brother where art thou?

Go To Sleep You Little Baby Lyrics SOGGY BOTTOM BOYS

go to sleep you little baby
go to sleep you little baby

your momma gone away and your
daddys gone to stay
didn't leave nobody but the baby

go to sleep you little baby
go to sleep you little baby

everybody's gone in the cotton and
the corn
didn't leave nobody but the baby

you're a sweet little baby
you're a sweet little baby

She's long gone with her red shoes on
Didn't need no other loving baby

don't you weep pretty baby
don't you weep pretty baby

honey on a rock and the sugar don't
stop going to bring the bottle to the baby

don't you weep pretty baby
don't you weep pretty baby

you and me and the devil makes
don't need no other loving baby

go to sleep you little baby
go to sleep you little baby

come lay your bones on the
alabaster stones
and be my ever loving baby
"You And Me And The Devil Makes 3"
"You And Me And The Devil Makes 3" go to sleep little baby 1:25 am 8/01/2015
"You And Me And The Devil Makes 3" Marilyn manson

I'm just like rolling a stone up
A hill in Hades
If you want to lie with me
You're going to be a liar

Hell-flavored, I've got mood poisoning
You must be something that I hate
I'm just a prison of property
Buckets full of better misery
There's not a word for what I want to do to you
There's not a word for what I want to do to you

You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me
You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me
You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me

Murdercute happyrape
Murdercute happy, happy, happyrape
Murdercute happyrape
Murdercute happy, happy, happyrape
You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me
You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me
You and me and the devil makes 3
You and me
If you get in bed someone will fall in love
You and me and the devil makes 3
There's not a word for what I want to do to you
There's not a word for what I want to do to you
There's not a word for what I want to do to you
There's not a word for what I want to do to you

Brahms' Lullaby Music

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You like weird shit, huh? Running any review specials?
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
By Charlie Daniels

The devil went down to Georgia
He was lookin' for a soul to steal
He was in a bind
'Cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a deal
When he came upon this young man
Sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot
And the devil jumped
Up on a hickory stump
And said, "boy, let me tell you what
I guess you didn't know it
But I'm a fiddle player too
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold
Against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you."
The boy said, "my name's Johnny
And it might be a sin
But I'll take your bet
And you're gonna regret
'Cause I'm the best there's ever been."
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard
'Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia, and the devil deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
But if you lose, the devil gets your soul
The devil opened up his case
And he said, "I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips
As he rosined up his bow
Then he pulled the bow across the strings
And it made an evil hiss
And a band of demons joined in
And it sounded something like this
When the devil finished
Johnny said, "well, you're pretty good, old son
But sit down in that chair right there
And let me show you how it's done."
He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run
The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun
Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no
The devil bowed his head
Because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden fiddle
On the ground at Johnny's feet
Johnny said, "Devil, just come on back
If you ever want to try again
I done told you once you son of a bitch
I'm the best that's ever been."
He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run
The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun
Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no

You like weird shit, huh?
Running any review specials? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Who u talking to son? or WHO you talking to mis+er?
i mean when u ask that question "running any review special$?
I am somewhat $pecial in so many ways ....
speakin of money an Specials my name is money
now that's a unique song to listen to MONEY is my name
well hello my name is money, MONEY is my name

SPCA has good program for adoption,
I prefer PUG RESCUE i
want to adopt or thought of adopting
a pug(s) so adorable special
not like th BUGS an cute ALIENS like on MEN IN BLACK
some galazies so tiny ....
they stay on pets collar...Johnny yanks if u show
up an I have a collar on is johnny gonna Yank my collar
off or JERK it off your not a JOHNNY jerks yanker are ya?
so DEVIL if you like to ill PLACE THIS CALL WITH YOU ....
918-202-3236 an ill place a BET ,JERK ,JOHNNY YANKS
don't jerk the Phone don't let the devil jerk or yank the phone ..
IF you place with me . now i f u like I ll place a bet an a call with you.
well hello my name is money, MONEY is my name

well hello my name is money, MONEY is my name
CALLER are u there i mean TEXTER....not DEXTER .
.ah, DEXTER the serial killer that be kinda awkard if
that was the caller , that be unique if it was a DEXTER
but im sure your a safe guy aren't you JOHHNY yanks? ...
have u seen those DEXTER episodes its so not safe to
meet just people in PRIVATE any one could stick a syringe
in the kneck an put on to sleep.....
i wont place this call right now im sleepy baby but you may
visit me in person if decide
no need to place a call... yet if u like we can build a cirlcle an
CALL upon devil an do sexual rituals an acts for devil with devil
or magic do u know any?

On the ground at Johnny's feet
laid that golden fiddle
Johnny said, there here johnnys review JOHNNYS REVIEW : I told the devil "Devil, just come on back
If you ever want to try again
I done told you once you son of a bitch
I'm the best that's ever been."
He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run
The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun
if u don't want the devil to get your soul run boys run!!
Chicken in a bread pan(Oklahoma panhandle )
pickin' out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no
no no what rosemary says to devil as he rapes
her an if devil ever rapes me
I can place the devils baby for adoption if i was raped an it grows.

You like weird shit, huh? Running any review specials? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I am FREE tonight ..... Love take
a stroll in the woods the trail nearby perhaps a late
night swim ,maybe a 2am movie watcin or shows
of DEXTER on my DVD player or yours.

I have to warn you , I am not like normal
people I have anxiety an this makes me
very turned on an horney i got raped numerous
times an i use to sometimes still do thinking
about it an shake doctors call that PTSD ...
sometimes i like to feel im raping person im
with blindfold id like try a gimpsuit an maybe
2-3 gimps, IF i have sex i haven't been very
active with anyone numerous years over 8 an
im aging an want surgery u know that story,
yet i still enjoy oral and massages...
others call me a FREAK of nature, yet i do
shake sometimes an make vivid expressions
on my face so i may wear a mask ,glasses a
brown bag over my head anytime during us
being in each others presence or have u
wear a mask or prefer or blindfold so u cant
see my facial expressions then i may straddle
you with your boxers on or briefs an massage
you i love to straddle a mans ass an buttox feels
so good on my pussy cunt throbbing....
even if your a stranger i love to massage
an be on ass.....
an pee on sometimes i like the same to me an to
be pee d on an feel it drip on my cunt i haven't
done that in about a year ... Yeah i like to get a
GIMP suit for me too, .I like to cover my face you
may get this for me if you like an take pics or shoot
video for FREE im free often..... id like to leave her
in a limo but im positive i don't want to pay for it if
someone else pays for taxi an limo id love to get the
hell out of here be a nice get to meet you in limo ....
an go how romatic how exciting kinda fantasies get
my pussy hot enough an tight to popcorn

this MASK with zipper mouth be cool for someone
to wear with me on the boat on the
lake or in the taxi or best a limo exciting my pussy s
uper hot..thats not good though couldn't it thin if it was so
hot cooked? maybe i need ICE to cool it down ...
an a icemachine outhere a portable icemaker or
get picked up in taxi head to hotel....
get AC an ICE i defenetly need ICE

Im free to take a boat ride if you have
a boat ,
that's a good episode of dexter too speaking
of dexter dvds i don't think i have
DEXTER with me though maybe
at the home was staying with with
my other collection. IF you have
you may PROVIDE it for us to
watch my place or yours.

DEXTER is so sexy really ....... are you as attractive as deter ?
most people don't appeal to me especially short haired men ...
i more the transvestitie type attracted to like chucky the bride
of chucky that chick on movie chuckys bride is hot to....

you may call me 918+202+3236 if you like
to text dext me ,
tell me what you look like can you allow m to blindfold you?
have u ever worn a gag or mask costume? enjoy this movies PREVIEW :
heres some not so much weird yet
interesting video...2 watch....

other pics other videos :

I'll pass on this lady.
I'll pass on this lady. Originally Posted by smallone
pass or PISS or pistal

pass on lady or piss on lady?

or did u mean youll send me
a secret pass to someplace??
did u forget to put the word
send in your sentence it was
a smallone your sentence
because you left out words
SEND ...
out to this

[QUOTE=smallone;1057017752]I'll pass on this lady INCORRECT

I will send pass out to this one, .....needs
correction by ERECTION ? you could try
some Satandrugs (sex with satin in satin
sheets?care 4 a THREESUM?)u fix your
smallone it help u have erections to have
better sentences ... just a thought

by the way its pobox 1084 Skiatook
Oklahoma 74070 for us Passtal mail
pistal mail PISTAL mail u know what
I mean US
This should be my mail coming,
im placing a ad in globe or national inquire
next week to national meet people....
perhaps this may happen gifts letters sase....
must have the pase pass I mean SASE I want
a pass an KEY to my own
boy /GiRl
want all my hotels paid an free an want to
eat my meals an drinks for free
I want a hootub bath that's big enough for
a DONKEY or 10 plus me.

By the way if your smallone needs
correction ......

We determined that use of a {SATANdrug}
statin drug to lower cholesterol would
improve erectile function {
youwood no longer have a smallone )
in men who have
hypercholesterolemia as the
only risk factor for erectile
dysfunction (ED).

maybe you can sell your soul
or make a deal with devil or
satan to no longer have a
smallone but a Big or

I wILL have to let this
lady paiss on my lips an in my mouth

journalism an writing was one goal
as mine when I was a young lady
... I still enjoy English an art an
writing I could school you in
better writing if you want private
lesson(s) youcan go to the top
of the mountain an pray about
it like um J.... did supposedly
an let me know ..