The Myth of Authority

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Great video exposing the biggest superstition in the world today. The superstition that government can be an agent for good.
Great video exposing the biggest superstition in the world today. The superstition that government can be an agent for good. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I watched that over my morning coffee.

It reminds me of the John Lennon song "Imagine".

It all works, until someone else covets what you have. Or visa-versa.

Sooner or later, Human Nature will dictate Human Behavior.

One thing I do not like about presentations such as this is they put all on a equal plain. Showing pictures of the great Despots of History who killed millions and not differentiating them from Governments such as our own is total bullshit.

Remember the great flower power revolution of the 1960's, where thousands of enlightened folk migrated to the SanFransisco area to live in their utopian dream of free love, free thought, free expression, etc.

It worked, until they got hungry, got cold, and found out the basic fact of life. There is no free lunch.