Etiquette for finding a date

One day last year I sent out P411 requests to different 3 providers saying I was suddenly available that evening and was looking for a last minute appointment. I setup something with the first one to respond and offered my thanks to the other two. One of them was annoyed at the tactic and we had a friendly discussion about why. I decided to quit using that technique.

Since then, I send out a request (email or P411) to a single provider and then wait. Some providers respond immediately and some never respond. I’m never sure how long to wait before trying someone else.

So I’m curious what providers and hobbyist think is the proper etiquette for finding a date over email or PM. Is it wrong to send out multiple queries and take the first responder? If I should only send one at a time, how long do I wait for an answer?
Toreador_one's Avatar
As far as I am concerned you have to use different techniques depending on the situation, I do not see anything wrong with the multiple e-mail technique specially if you were looking for a last minute appointment. Ladies often forget this is a business transaction and we are the paying customer, if they get annoyed at the technique, so be it, if so chances are they will not get my business in the future. My preference for last minute appointments is to call (if I am in a position to do so), if the lady answers and is available great, if they do not answer, I'll call the next number.

Now making more than one confirmed appointment, so you can have a back up plan, I consider that a no no. Just poor etiquette.

My answers to you questions then are:

Is it wrong to send out multiple queries and take the first responder?
No, but I am not sure I would necessarily take the first responser, if I get two quick replies, I would take the one that favors me the best.

If I should only send one at a time, how long do I wait for an answer?
Depend on how bad you want to see that particular provider and how far in advance you send the request. In my book, if a provider fails to reply to an e-mail or PM in less than 24 hours, she is off my list. However, I rarely book that far in advance (refer to my prefer method)
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-09-2010, 03:51 PM
well if you are in a fix like that I would call the lady on p411 that I wanted to see the most, and ask her if she is available she will of course like the fact you have p411 you should start with "I saw you ad on p411 I would like to meet with you tonight can I send you a request and meet with you tonight?" she will let you know if she is available or not. If she is available she will go to look at p411 if you have enough oks for her, and she likes what she sees about you she will most likely see you.

Sending out a bunch of request will piss them off as you will have to cancel on anyone else that accepts your request and they may have turned down someone else or stopped what they had planned to do that night to see you.

So brother use the old fashioned telephone to get her on the line and get her screening so you dont have to wait. If they dont pick up the phone they cant get mad at you. When one says no move to the next real easy.
dearhunter's Avatar
Fuckum, I would go back to your first technique.........tell them the early bird gets the worm......ahem
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Fuckum, I would go back to your first technique.........tell them the early bird gets the worm......ahem Originally Posted by dearhunter
But... the second mouse gets the cheese...
pyramider's Avatar
It all just depends on the ladies one wishes to see and how they conduct their business.
dearhunter's Avatar
But... the second mouse gets the cheese... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
........and some mouse ass
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Remember the good old days... where you got dressed up... went down to the local establishment... the girls lined up against the wall... and you picked out the one you wanted... this internet stuff... ya'll call this progress...
notanewbie's Avatar
somebody needs to go to Costa Rico
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
somebody needs to go to Costa Rico Originally Posted by notanewbie
hell... with this ankle thing on...I can't even go outside...much less Costa Rica...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I would do whatever YOU want to do. Its your money and you should spend it the way you want.

Last min appointments are difficult. But a lot of ladies don't feel compelled to respond promptly (whatever that means)

You can send out serial requests, wait an hour or some period in between and by the time someone responds your "window" is closed.

As long as you aren't rude; and also you can start a dialog with the other ladies for the next short notice need.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Pay more... nothing begs forgiveness like ridiculously unwarranted over-tipping ...
pyramider's Avatar
hell... with this ankle thing on...I can't even go outside...much less Costa Rica... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas

Things are getting pretty rough at the "home"?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Things are getting pretty rough at the "home"? Originally Posted by pyramider
Yea... you wander off without telling anyone ... a couple of times ...and they get all anal retentive on ya... hell I told 'em... just check the closest strip club...
surcher's Avatar
Fuckum, I would go back to your first technique.........tell them the early bird gets the worm......ahem Originally Posted by dearhunter
Sorry, but I defer to the fucking profit.