Nude Sunbathing

Motorider327's Avatar
Hello all. It has been a while and I am not sure if this is where I should post this so let me know. I am looking for a place to lay out this summer nude. I like to get an all over tan from the actual sun and not just in the beds. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. If anyone has a pool with a privacy fence. Nothing strange just want a place to lay out this summer. Someplace to go and really relax and get some sun. If any of the ladies want to join me on here that would be great too. Thanks in advance.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Your roof.
jayt4567's Avatar
backyard seems to work best.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Middle of 635/75 LMAO
jayt4567's Avatar
Red Lobster
butterfryman's Avatar
Anse de Gouverneur.....St Barts
melannie_star's Avatar
Concrete is an alternative to tanning bed lamps..
Just lay down and imagine you are on the beach!
Works like a charm ..
TexTushHog's Avatar
Anse de Gouverneur.....St Barts Originally Posted by butterfryman
Anse de Grande Saline and Anse de Colombier (if you can get dropped off by boat) are better, IMHO. Flamands is nice, too. But those are the top four, I think.
Be careful laying out in the hot Texas sun. You don't want chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
The nude beach in Austin maybe