NCNS - Janae Love

Set an appointment for last Sunday, on the preceding Thursday or Friday. She asks for the general location so she can plan, which I send her. She confirms and says she will follow up on Saturday to get the exact address.

Then Poof.....................she's gone; never to be heard from again. Texted her a handful of times between Saturday night and our appointment time on Sunday. Crickets.

Sent a few texts during the week to see what happened, but also to make sure nothing had happened to her. No response whatsoever. Turns out she's ok, not that I ever found out from her.

Complete NCNS; whatcha gonna do?

Thing that makes me chuckle, and probably the only reason I even bothered posting this, was a few things she mentioned to me over text as we first started talking, things like trying to use better scheduling methods because she "was tired of looking bad" and that she was "Working on making amends for her flakiness".

Well, I'd say she's off to a great start!