WHO DAT?!!!!?

dezperado's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
No offense to the OP but someone has to say it, only in America can it be cool to speak like an uneducated hood rat. Nothing worse than hearing a middle-age housewife speaking the language of the bangers. The entire "who dat" thing is embarrassing to an educated proud southern adult and I cannot believe that nobody else feels this way. What is wrong with proper English? Just another example of how we are teaching our children that it is ok to be uneducated, hang your pants off your ass, or do whatever it takes for a buck, while self respect be damned. I am curious, how many of you would walk up to your pastor , child's teacher or boss and say "yo brutha-man, sup?". I see no difference. Have we really lost all respect for ourselves and our children that we have just accepted we lost the battle on education in America, to the point that now instead of teaching the right way we all simply join in the wrong way? We all complain about how the media idolizes dealers and other criminals to our children, yet we are ok with teaching a 5 year old that it is ok to speak improper slang hood English in public by idolizing sports players doing it? When did "WHO DAT SAY GONNA BEAT 'DEM SAINTS?!!??, WHO DAT?" become more awesome or cool as "Who is it that says they can beat our Saints?" "Who is it?" How far will you people bend before you think that as a people we have bent too far to accept what is improper? The bigger question is, will there be any coming back from it or will we go so far that to regain our dignity will be impossible? It was only a few short years ago that when someone said "aint" in school they were corrected, today "who dat" is praised and nobody else sees that is a problem? Change is sometimes good, bad change is never good.
pornodave69's Avatar
No offense to the OP but someone has to say it, only in America can it be cool to speak like an uneducated hood rat. Nothing worse than hearing a middle-age housewife speaking the language of the bangers. Originally Posted by muny4huny
The phrase far precedes "hood rats" and "bangers." It first appeared in a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, an African American poet in the late 1800's. Then it became common in Vaudeville acts, as well as jazz and big band performers in the 1920's and 30's.

Thanks for the Google search lesson David. Murder was mentioned in the bible further back than the 1800's, odd thing is did not make it proper to do. The term "who dat" coming from an poet stereotyping an uneducated black man in his works in the 1800's makes it no more proper English. If I go to the game in blackface paint and quote mammy "yessa massa!" how long would I be as welcomed by the masses? If all it takes to be correct in public is to have been written by someone in a past publishing then there are a lot of words in Mein Kampf are you all for them putting those on a 5yr olds t-shirt? Dave as always you try to offer into something and fail terribly.
dezperado's Avatar
ok--"Whomsoever is this making the dubious claim that they can defeat the New Orleans Saints upon the playing field in a game of American football?" --nah, just doesn't have the same ring, sorry!!
bigworm8's Avatar
LMAO........WHO DAT!!!
pornodave69's Avatar
Thanks for the Google search lesson David. Murder was mentioned in the bible further back than the 1800's, odd thing is did not make it proper to do. The term "who dat" coming from an poet stereotyping an uneducated black man in his works in the 1800's makes it no more proper English. If I go to the game in blackface paint and quote mammy "yessa massa!" how long would I be as welcomed by the masses? If all it takes to be correct in public is to have been written by someone in a past publishing then there are a lot of words in Mein Kampf are you all for them putting those on a 5yr olds t-shirt? Dave as always you try to offer into something and fail terribly. Originally Posted by muny4huny
The point is that it was not "new" and did not originate with "hood rats." I doubt the poet, vaudeville actors and jazz musicians could or would be considered "hood rats," nor would they have been considered to have sounded like them. If anything, hood rats are sounding like them. You fail in that your words "speak like an uneducated hood rat" asserts "hood rats" precede the phrase "who dat?" Perhaps if you knew how to use Google and searched it before you spoke you would have seen your historical error.

I'm all for using proper grammar and speaking correctly but where you fail, again, is in thinking that chanting "Who is it that says they can beat our Saints?" "Who is it?" is preferred or should be used as a catch phrase for a sporting event. It's chant, for God's sake. Are you wound so tight that something so trivial really bothers you?

By the way, it's a little ironic that you'd bring something like this up with a handle like muny4huny. Perhaps you should consider a name change to moneyforhoney while you're on this crusade. I can put the request in for you if you'd like.
The point is that it was not "new" and did not originate with "hood rats." I doubt the poet, vaudeville actors and jazz musicians could or would be considered "hood rats," nor would they have been considered to have sounded like them.

By the way, it's a little ironic that you'd bring something like this up with a handle like muny4huny. Perhaps you should consider a name change to moneyforhoney while you're on this crusade. I can put the request in for you if you'd like. Originally Posted by pornodave69
First, as I said , the poet was MOCKING the uneducated black slave STEREOTYPE. I can assure you the slang of "who dat" was used far earlier than the 1800's poet. As it is a grammatical mistake of the uneducated, one would be assured that it existed at least as far back as the slave trade. You thinking that what a poet wrote in some obscure passage is where the term was taken from by the multitudes of uneducated Saints fans and slang ghettofolk?? That only shows your lack of both education and honesty. The fact is you, and many others who KNOW how retarded the "who dat" thing is, went out and dug up where it was used and RETROACTIVELY claim that's where it came from. The first time it was used towards the Saints was during a news broadcast of the playoffs after-game when a 40yr old big black woman said it and believe me she wasn't quoting Dunbar as drunk as she was. Stereotyping uneducated black folk has been around a lot longer than Paul Dunbar, ever read Mark Twain?

Secondly, my username here is not something I would put on my child's t-shirt either. My distain was for the public display of ghetto slang being inflated through mainstream media today. Again I see no correlation between that and my username. If you are going to try and make a point please put forth some effort as most people here can see that you are just struggling and counting on them being completely confused by your ridiculous rationalizations and comparisons. Give us enough credit to be able to see through the childish ranting you keep spewing simply to go head to head with me on everything David. Now from all you have said here I have realized why you think you are a professional photographer, you Googled it and taught yourself something new right? My advice, do not ever use Google again David, you are hurting yourself.
dezperado's Avatar
oh dear lord...stop this thread now!! sorry--was just rooting for my home team!
runkle's Avatar
oh for fucks sake, this is a hooka board. why must you always start fukin drama wherever you go? i swear you could fuck up a wet dream... not everything has to be so damn dramatic....
rex111999's Avatar
The fact is you, and many others who KNOW how retarded the "who dat" thing is, went out and dug up where it was used and RETROACTIVELY claim that's where it came from.
. Originally Posted by muny4huny
I can't believe you would be so improper and insensitive to use a word like "retarded" to describe something you don't care for. What a jerk, and to do so in a lecture about proper language usage. And you have a disability as well. Dick.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 10-01-2013, 10:23 PM
He's just trolling. Look at the fucker's location. "Da Stik".

That would be like someone commenting on an Elf review about how it's not proper for an 18 yr old to sleep with a man over 40 for money bc the parent's didn't raise her right, or something.
pornodave69's Avatar
He's just trolling. Look at the fucker's location. "Da Stik". Originally Posted by jl11

Hmmmm.....who's the hood rat now? Surely, "I reside in Baton Rouge" would be the proper thing to say instead of "Da Stik." I wonder if he throws up some gang signs while wearing his cap sideways when he says that?

Hmmmm.....who's the hood rat now? Surely, "I reside in Baton Rouge" would be the proper thing to say instead of "Da Stik." I wonder if he throws up some gang signs while wearing his cap sideways when he says that? Originally Posted by pornodave69

Again for those few who were unable to sound out the large words, my profile here is not something I would share or push onto children via mainstream media. If you are honestly comparing the lax ways things are done on a hooker board to the proper ways things should be done in the general G rated public then I fear for the children around you. Since Dave seems to want to connect the public to what is here and private, I wonder would you also paste the rubber you used with your last hooker to a 6yr olds forehead and send him to school too? Please do not answer that, some things should remain private forever.